The Bottom Line On Internet Marketing
Much like the movie stars in Hollywood, the glamour within the world of internet marketing has created an allure that calls out to both aspiring entrepreneurs and to those who simply have a burning desire to better their quality of lives.
Much like the movie stars in Hollywood, the glamour within the world of internet marketing has created an allure that calls out to both aspiring entrepreneurs and to those who simply have a burning desire to better their quality of lives.
There are literally thousands of reasons why these unsuspecting, yet determined individuals set out to "make their mark" in the world of Internet Marketing. The most prevalent of which, of course, is money. The stories circulating throughout the internet of average people earning unbelievable amounts of cash on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis draw these people in and they are very quickly "hooked" on what I refer to as "HBB Fever", (more widely recognized as Home Based Business Fever).
There are certainly many hundreds of legitimate home based business opportunities throughout the internet. Many offering very good and profitable business plans that one can get started in and, over time, can build a very decent income stream from. These plans are managed by professional businesses and professional business people. Most will inform you up front that the level of income that you can expect is directly related to the amount of money and effort that you are willing to invest in your new business.
On the other hand, in the "down and dirty" world of internet marketing, the "gurus" who dominate the way that business is conducted have perfected the ultimate marketing machine. They created what has evolved into a market within a market that in essence invites each and every one of their potential customers to become their competition. Their products are marketed as their very own business plans and procedures and are distributed in a wide array of media such as e-books, special reports, videos, audios, and the list goes on and on.
Catch #1 is, trying to figure out which of these business plans YOU are actually going to be able to use in order to build yourself a business that will turn a profit for YOU. Oh, by the way, did I mention that the gurus leave out the part about "the level of income that you can expect is directly related to the amount of money and time that you are willing to invest in your new business"?
Catch #2 is, these "gurus" didnt just fall off the proverbial turnip truck. These are seasoned and experienced marketers, most of which were involved in some sort of marketing long before they discovered the opportunity to use their skills online. Unless you come from a similar background, you are going to have to face a huge learning curve in order to succeed in this business environment.
Catch #3 is, where are you actually going to start? There are hoards of so called "gurus" out there waiting for you to pop onto one of their websites and signup for their newsletter or act on one of a hundred other different ways that they capture your contact information. Then they begin what they refer to as the "warm up" process so that they can figure out exactly how much interest you have in their products or services. Congratulations, you are now a part of their "list"!
Catch #4 is, at this point, you should check to see that the strap on your thinking cap is securely fastened because you are about to face some of the most highly developed, psychologically aligned, and thoroughly tested marketing techniques in the world today. These folks have spared no expense in developing the most sophisticated and compelling marketing techniques ever, and all for your "benefit".
Catch #5 is, it would be a real good idea to turn over your credit cards and your checkbook to your spouse before you begin reading the emails that should be rolling in about now. You are already aware of the fact that you have certain amount of interest in starting a home based business, how much interest now becomes the burning question. How much are you willing to spend to try to find out where to start?
Catch #6 is, LOOKY HERE, each and every one of these marketers says he has the absolute #1, very best, most effective, guaranteed, tested and proven, simple to understand, and easy to start business plan available on the internet today! OR HE'LL REFUND ALL MY MONEY! Geeeze, a deciding factor could be hard to come by here...
Catch #8 is, so I went ahead and took a chance and purchased a great looking business setup that really looks like it will work for me... A really great deal for only $297 and I got a boat load of bonuses to boot! I'll have to read through it tomorrow night when I get home from work. (Hmmm, I wonder where these people get the time to do all this stuff? I sure will be glad when I make enough money to quit my job too).
Catch #9 is, Im sorry honey, I know I have been neglecting you and the kids. But if I can just get this thing going a little better we will have lots of time to spend together! We can go out this weekend... I think, er, I mean, I promise... (gulp).
Catch #10 is, I dont get it, I have done everything exactly like this plan says and still, I have not made cent.
And the final confirmation that you have been infected with HBB Fever...
Yeh, I know that did not work out like I had planned, but this one is different... and it is only half the price of that other thing!
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Author: Riley Bennett
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Riley Bennett runs a successful article directory at: Submit your articles today and gain the exposure your site deserves.Random related phrase:
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