3 Ideas That Made Internet Millionaires of These Entrepreneurs
In this article you'll see some of the ideas and techniques that have turned some entrepreneurs into multi millionaires.
In this article you'll see some of the ideas and techniques that have turned some entrepreneurs into multi millionaires.
However, whilst you may be inspired by the success they have achieved and wish it were you, the reality is that you will probably still try and hack it on your own with your own methods and never really achieve a steady online income stream.
The facts show that those who learn from those who have done it and implement their methods are far more likely to succeed than those who try and reinvent the wheel on their own.
The latter group will waste valuable time and money whilst the former will embark on an upward growth curve.
Anyhow, enough of that, please bear in mind that whilst the following ideas in themselves may not be as successful for you as they were for their creators, it's their innovativeness and marketing drive that convert their ideas into wealth.
An idea that's not promoted and marketed correctly isn't worth a lot on its own.
These are the 3 ideas that made millionaires out of their creators.
1.Car Secrets Revealed
I must admit that when I first came across this one I wondered how on earth this could make money on the web.
Well this e-book was developed to show people how not to get cheated by car salesmen and save up to $5000 a year on car expenses.
Within nine months of promoting it, it became the #1 Best Selling Car Book on the internet.
This was created by the late Corey Rudl who is amongst the top true internet marketing gurus.
To read his full interview go to: http://www.internetbusiness.co.za/corey-rudl-interview.php
2.Beat my Speeding Ticket
I was just as skeptical of this idea as I was with the previous one, however the person who thought this one up marketed the concept on the internet and made a fortune.
It took Jeff Mulligan 30 days from initially conceptualizing the idea to having his ebook or infoproduct optimized and ready to sell on the internet.
3.CB Mall
Another of Jeff Mulligan's ideas.
Now at face value this idea has obvious merits and is ingenious at the same time.
It is simple whilst providing huge rewards for the originator as well as the user.
In a nutshell it provides an opportunity for owners of the CBmall concept to set up their own online mall whilst actually using the CBmall website which has thousands of quality products and services for sale.
Each CBmall owner gets their own unique ID which is embedded into each and every product on the site so that each time one of their referrals makes a purchase on CBmall the receive an income.
Jeff makes his money from the CBmall owners who have purchased their own CBmall and the owners make commission from sales.
The above ideas all offer the purchasers of their products value in terms of knowledge or profit and that without these benefits they would not have made their originators the money they did.
Therefore, in conclusion you need to remember that the vital component, besides marketing etc, is that any idea must offer the user value for long term success and longevity.
Author: Mark Bellinger
About Author:
Author Biography:
Mark Bellinger, a university graduate, is a successful businessman and entrepreneur exploring legitimate and lucrative internet opportunities as well as
home internet businesses and cash loans for South Africans
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