Riegos De Impregnación Y De Liga Empleando Un Biopolímero
At the moment in many countries of the world, including Mexico, it is being tried to eliminate the use of well-known like “asphalts reduced”, that is to say, made up of an asphalt cement and a reliable product, with which traditionally the irrigations of impregnating of the base layers were applied, as well as the previous irrigations of league to the laying of the asphalt folder.
Independently of the reasons which there are to be retiring his use, which can be varied and not clearly made arrive at the public, does not fit doubt that the retirement of reliable products containing volatile to the aim of accounts is an action that repels as a benefit of ecological protection.
In order to replace the use of reduced asphalts (the designation in the United States, of this type of reduced asphalt, has been like MC and SC), in many places they are had been using asphalt emulsions (emulsified asphalts by its designation in English), to try to solve the problem to carry out the irrigations of impregnating and league. Nevertheless this procedure has not worked suitably in most of the cases. The asphalt emulsions do not penetrate suitably in the surface of great part of the bases for pavement, mainly, if these layers of base have a texture with closed tendency to, as it happens to enough frequency. It easily penetrates in the base the water that composes the emulsion, but therefore asphalt, which obtains very small penetrations (1 or 2 mm), and generally does not remain in the surface forming a species of cream without great adhesion with the base.
In order to clarify better to the raised case, formulémonos some questions:
So that the irrigation of impregnating is applied. The irrigation of impregnating is a phase of importance in the construction of the pavements, and it is required that it also fulfills some important aspects. As it is:
To cover and to bind loose mineral particles to protect the surface of the base.
To protect the factor of adhesion of the folder, on the interphase folder/bases, during the presence of the tangential forces, generated by the transit.
To harden or to strengthen the surface of the base layer.
To waterproof the surface of the base layer.
To obstruct the superficial hair emptinesses of the base layer.
To provide adhesion between the layer with base and the following layer, which is formed by the folder.
So that the irrigation of league is applied? Once with the irrigation of impregnating it is managed to form a suitable transition in the interphase folder/bases, it is required to place a material that a good union provides and adhesion of the folder with the structure of the pavement that is being constructed.
In present engineering, for not long time, different options have been proven, such as to add additives to the asphalt emulsions, trying to more deeply obtain a and effective penetration of the asphalt product and not only of the water that composes the emulsion. Another option that is had been using already in the construction of pavements, is the application of a bio-polymer suitably formulated, for it. But, we continue doing the questions to us that do not clarify plus the subject:
Briefly, and avoiding the use of excessive tecnicismos, it is possible to be said that the Bio-polymer is a product specifically formulated for the application that is tried to give to him, or to be used like irrigation of impregnating, irrigation of league, modifier of asphalt mixtures as well as some other but. For an irrigation of impregnating or league, base is prepared water (that is to say, that will be a soluble a water polymer or copolymer to facilitate the uniformity of its application, as well as its exact metering). It is handled generally in concentrated form, to make his work preparation, which influences enough in the saving in costs, when transporting only the concentrated one, mainly when it is construction of pavements in remote places.
The grammar particle BIO, that it precedes to the POLYMERIC denomination, has the important meaning to indicate to us that for his formulation they used products that fulfill the dispositions of ecological protection.
What advantages provide the use to us of a BIO-POLIMERO?
In Mexico, no longer it is only a tendency eliminating of the market the known reduced ones like FM and FR (forged average and fast setting), but that their production was suppressed by PEMEX. Suppressing the total production of these products, has made proliferate the asphalt cement preparations, mixed to reduce it with diesel engine, kerosene or some other similar product, with which not only the control of quality of the product can be affected, but that also is affected strongly the ecology during and after its application. In addition to which the reliable employees, generally are greasy oils, that are of slow evaporation, and that yes penetrate easily in the surface of the base, but not taking with himself but a very small amount of asphalt, but in addition, in case the previous thing was not sufficient, the greasy oils like the diesel engine and its varieties, are product excellent to eliminate the cohesion between superior particles of the base layer, relaxing them. He is enough with carrying out some simple tests in laboratory, to realize in objective form like a material that presents/displays natural cohesion, in the presence of the diesel engine, loses it quickly.
It seems to be that in bio-polymer, the engineering of pavements is finding a magnificent substitute of reduced asphalts, as well as a remedy for the low penetration in the irrigations of impregnating with asphalt emulsion.
if he needs but information he does not doubt in contacting to me
Author: Guillermo Arizpe Narro
About Author:
Ingeniero Guillermo Arizpe Narro
Email: gan@rentauningeniero.com
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