Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Cash crop

Views on London Olympics


Views on London Olympics



I jumped for joy – and wrote about my jubilation in Rising East 3 – when London got the Olympic Games for 2012.

Err actually I didn’t. I thought “Great, but what’s in it for me”? As I am a British Citizen and every day pay tax for being taxed (petrol prices are charged levy and then have VAT added on top) and can only really see that over the next 10 - 15 years it will be good old me who foots the bill.

So what’s the real impact going to be for the Olympics? Everyone is talking about mass job creation. What they really mean is mass low level job creation in the short term. Let’s face it, the only jobs being created are going to people selling T-Shirts, serving coffee and of course Liverpool print companies getting busy with counterfeit tickets.

So my fellow British Citizens I am feeling left out of the hype. Below I have prepared some simple calculations

Real Costs:
400k logos = more council tax. Low paid jobs = more immigrants. = More Immigrants = house prices going up. House prices going up = more debt. More debt = broken homes.
So what’s in it for me? I’ll let you answer that.

Written by Aiden McGowan Tooting Hill

I’d like to add to this article. Our job board www.london4jobs.co.uk has been following the trail of the Olympics with interest. Your article does come up with some excellent points regarding tax etc.
Let’s face it. People talk because people talk. If it wasn’t the Olympics it’d be Iraq. If it wasn’t Iraq it’d be Tony Blair.

It’s all rather boring. The world goes round and round. Projects come and projects go. Businesses open and businesses close.

It’s the nature of the beast. Low paid work, high paid work, there needs to be balance. If the Czech girl wasn’t serving your coffee whilst you were checking your blackberry you might not use the Cafe. If you didn’t use the Cafe then the Cafe owner would close down. They would then be in debt and that would possibly lead to a broken home......................................


Author: Hilda

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Busness suits

Marketing Secrets - Real or Trash?


I am just plain exhausted with all the trash being sold online, day in and day out! All these so called "Marketing Guru's" promising they can show you how to become a Millionaire overnight. There are so many hyped-up "get rich quick" schemes floating around the Internet... that it literally drives me insane!


I am just plain exhausted with all the trash being sold online, day in and day out! All these so called "Marketing Guru's" promising they can show you how to become a Millionaire overnight. There are so many hyped-up "get rich quick" schemes floating around the Internet... that it literally drives me insane!

Go ahead, do a search on Google and see what you find for "Home Business".

Now let's be serious... if they actually did know how to make that much money online, do you think they would show you how to do it too??? Let me answer that one for you...NO WAY!!! But the sad truth is that these websites do great. I mean... who in their right mind wouldn't want to learn how to achieve that kind of money with absolutely no effort? And the way they present the material makes it sound so great that it feels like you can't let the offer pass you by! But I would bet my life that the only person getting rich is the website owner!

Now if we look at the whole process of marketing which starts with market research, you are going to discover all the so called marketing secrets that you need in order to be successful. For instance, one of the first things you need to know is what is the consumer buying and where is he buying it. Then the question is can you develop and deliver a better product. Or do you need to become an affiliate of the company that has the best product for the consumer. Once you have the product the question that needs to be answered is what and where will be the best way to promote it.

Ok, let us take a look at what is the consumer buying. This is not a secret if you "Follow The Money". Click bank and Commission Junction represent most of the affiliate programs on the internet. Click bank alone represents over 11,000 digital products and publishes by category what the consumer is buying and ranks the affiliate program by the number of sales in the category.

So by simply following the money you can find the products that are making money. After searching through the list and picking out products that fit your style, you then need to decide how to promote the product. Most affiliate programs will provide you with this information. However, another way to find the answer to this question is to visit the Overture Resource Center and you will find ads that have been run in the past month on line, key words that were used, and what price was paid for each click. And if you are going to run a print ad, just look at what the copy of similar ads being run and then just make yours more interesting.

You can also do a search for marketing secrets and you will find some professionals who offer good free advice. There are also marketers that you will find on various forums that will be willing to exchange information. And, you have articles and blogs that appear on various directories. So, save your money and stay away from the trash and do a little homework to discover how to make a realistic amount of money in your home based business.

Copyright © Donald N. Lombardi http://www.HomeBasedBusinessWizard.com

Author: Donald N Lombardi

About Author:

Donald N. Lombardi, Is An Authority On Developing Home Based Internet Businesses. To Build Your Own
Turnkey Home Business. Visit:http://www.homebasedbusinesswizardsjournal.blogspot.com/

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Buy a business in colorado

Utilizing the Possibilities of Paypal


PayPal. It has become synonymous with eBay. PayPal is the method preferred by most buyers because it enables them to pay safely with their credit or debit card. Learn more on the purchase options through this article.


As a staff writer at 'Home Based Business' we regularly answer questions submitted by our members one great topic electronic commerce.

PayPal. It has become synonymous with eBay. PayPal is the method preferred by most buyers because it enables them to pay safely with their credit or debit card. Considering the number of credit and debit card transactions that are made by the population today, being unable to utilize a means of allowing people to pay with their credit or debit cards can seriously cripple an online business. But didn’t you know? PayPal is not just for eBay members anymore.

PayPal can be utilized by businesses for a variety of reasons. PayPal also offers many different services to merchants and buyers alike, offering flexibility and plenty of tools. One aspect of PayPal that both buyer and seller enjoy is the fact that PayPal guards all information and does not allow one party access to another party’s information. This is especially good for the small business that does not have the means to store or secure personal information.

For the small business looking for a way that allows their customers to pay via credit card or debit card, PayPal can be the way to go. PayPal offers merchant accounts that only charge a certain amount for each transaction that goes through. Other sites that offer the same service can charge more. PayPal only charges a small fee for their service, about 3.3 percent of each transaction. It is more cost-effective than a larger credit card company whose fees can change depending upon the transaction amount. There is also only one setup fee to worry about, and this is usually quite low. Depending upon the amount your business may end up making, you can upgrade your account at any time to accommodate for your growing business.

PayPal also has plenty of tools that are easy to use. Invoicing can be particularly handy for businesses to make requests to other merchants they may be purchasing from. Or for sole proprietor businesses, such as the freelance writer providing services to multiple businesses, the invoicing tool can be an easy way of requesting payment and remaining organized.

Shipping charges can also be calculated early on through PayPal. Businesses can use PayPal’s shipping integration methods as well as calculating shipping and attaching the information to product amounts. You can also print out shipping labels for both national and international shipping.

You can work your business through multiple currencies, easily handle refunds, and even allow gift certificates. When you sign up, you should take a long look at the site and check out all the available options PayPal can offer you before customizing them to suit your business needs. Decide on whether you want to offer buyer protection and other services.

Before signing up with PayPal, a business may want to post a bulletin on their site for consumers to see and comment on. If the majority of customers are warm toward using PayPal, then go ahead and use it. However, PayPal is not a perfect system and has left a few people feeling sore against the company in the past. If too many of your customers show negative feelings toward using PayPal, you may want to seek out other options for them to pay electronically.

With over 3 million business accounts and still growing, PayPal may can a great way for you to expand your business. Low fees and ease of use make it ideal for small e-commerce sites and can help bring in more customers, removing the wait for payment by mail and making transactions for items instantaneous. What more could you ask for?

The staff at www.homebasedbusiness.com regularly updates the Home Based Business website with new information on the up and coming work at home jobs and other Internet based home businesses opportunities.

Author: Bill Scott

About Author:

Bill Scott Webmaster Homebasedbusiness.com Features Home Based Business and Internet Business Opportunities. It's like a Myspace for entrepreneurs.

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Start up business plan

Exit Interviews - It's not You, It's Me


Many organizations rely on data retrieved from exit interviews to improve their employee retention programs. Unfortunately much of this information is highly suspect at best. The problem is that many employees leaving an organization do not feel comfortable revealing the true reasons for their departure. The End result is an exit interview where the employee takes the high road aand tells his or her employer: "It's not you, it's me"


Chris Young

With the rising emphasis on employee retention and reducing organizational turnover costs, more and more organizations are using exit interviews as a means to better understand why employees choose to jump ship. An organization will subsequently use this information to help improve any existing employee retention program it may have.

The typical exit interview involves the employee's direct supervisor, HR manager, or both, questioning the employee as to his or her motives for leaving the organization. The idea is that the insights gained from the exit interview can be used to improve the chances of retaining current employees as well as new hires in the future. This approach is great in theory; however in practice it has some serious shortcomings.

An important question that must be asked is how candid is a departing employee likely to be with his or her employer. It is understandable that an employee is likely to be less than forthcoming with any negative comments he or she has about a manager or the organization. The reason for this is simple: the employee may have to rely on his or her former employer as a job reference in the near future and will seek to avoid burning any bridges a prospective employer may have to cross in his/her decision to hire the departed employee. The result is an interview where the departing employee essentially tells the organization: It's not you, it's me.

It's not you, it's me – five words immortalized by Seinfield character George Castanza. In a most memorable episode George's girlfriend tells him she wants to break up. When asked why she replies "It's not you, it's me." George of course flies off the handle claiming that he invented that very breakup line, and that if anyone is to blame, it is most definitely him.

This scene is essentially an exit interview set in the context of a typical relationship. George's girlfriend no longer wants to be with him, so to make it easier for both parties she uses the line it's not you, it's me. The end result is that George never really learns why he was broken up with.

This is the primary downfall of relying on the information gathered in an exit interview. It is, by human nature, difficult to tell another individual the reasons for terminating a relationship. Because of this many departing employees offer vague or roundabout answers to questions about their former employer. Instead of giving the real reason for their departure, an exiting employee might give reasons such as: a desire for a career change, the need for a substantial pay increase, or a desire to work closer to their home or family. In some cases these might be legitimate reasons for choosing to leave an organization, but many times what an employee is really saying is: the work wasn't challenging or stimulating enough, you couldn't pay me enough to put up with my supervisor any longer, or that my work environment was so unpleasant that and I couldn't stand thinking of coming to work one day longer.

In many cases there is a huge difference between what an employee says is the reason for his or her departure and the true reason that he or she is leaving. This disparity can be devastating for an organization that relies too heavily on what a departing employee claims are the reasons for his or her exit. The reasons one employee states for leaving do not necessarily translate to reasons that other employees may choose to leave. The truth is that what bothered one employee may not necessarily bother another in the least bit. Furthermore, correcting the complaints of one employee may adversely impact the work conditions of a dozen or more currently satisfied employees.

Another serious shortcoming of using exit interviews to improve employee retention and reduce turnover costs is that the information gathered is done after the employee has already left or chosen to leave the organization. Consider this: you take your car into a mechanic after the engine seizes up. The mechanic informs you that you failed to use the correct weight of oil needed to properly lubricate your particular engine. While this is likely information that you could use in the future were you to own another car with the same type of engine, it does little to remedy your current situation of owning a two ton paper weight or make up for the large financial loss you have incurred.

What if you had known in advance that your engine required a different weight of oil than most other engines on the market? Surely you would have purchased the correct oil to prevent the inevitable engine failure. At the same time however, if you were to rely on the mechanic’s feedback about one particular engine and use the specially weighted oil in your spouse's car and any future car your family might own, you could well be setting yourself up another catastrophic engine failure. The point of the metaphor is that what works for one employee might not work for others and may actually repel them from your organization.

What if you were able to know in advance what would or wouldn't work in your efforts to retain individual employees in your organization? Wouldn't it stand to reason that your rate of employee retention would improve substantially?

You are probably saying to yourself, "That is great, but how exactly am I supposed to get that information?" Thankfully, The Rainmaker Group has some of the most powerful tools available to provide managers with this critical information about their employees. Through the use of a powerful set of personality assessments measuring an employee's behaviors, values, and personal talents a manager can obtain a wealth of information about each employee in three easy to understand reports.

With this information in hand a manager can better understand the factors important to retain each individual employee. This is the information an exit interview seeks to uncover except this time it is objective and forthcoming with the employee outlining the reasons her or she will stay with the organization as well as the reasons why he or she will be likely to leave. The great thing is that the information is all available in a timely manner that can be implemented immediately.

Are you ready to take your employee retention program to the next level? If you are relying on exit interviews to gain a better understanding of how to encourage high employee retention in your organization you can do much better. Don't let your organization fall prey to the old "it's not you, it's me" routine! Give us a call today and we'd be glad to show you a sample profile and discuss how we can help your organization develop a high retention workforce.

Request More Information
The Rainmaker Group

Author: Chris Young

About Author:

Chris Young is founder of The Rainmaker Group of Bismarck, ND. Young and his team specialize in the hiring and retention of great employees for organizations of all sizes.

From the fortune 20 to non-profits, The Rainmaker Group has repeatedly delivered amazing results.

Are you ready to start maximizing possibility in your organization? Give The Rainmaker Group a call today!

The Rainmaker Group

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Astoria federal

Do You Know Why Your Clients Buy?


Do you know why your clients buy? Seems like a pretty simple question, right? Not really, when you dig deeper under the surface. How you answer is critical to the success of your business.


Do you know why your clients buy? Seems like a pretty simple question, right? Not really, when you dig deeper under the surface. How you answer is critical to the success of your business.

To begin, understand one simple fact: prospects and clients buy for their reasons, not yours. They could care less about your company and your mission statement or the long list of product features you so skillfully articulate.

They only care about the outcome your offer provides them. They want the benefit, the impact, the improvement, the comfort, or the security it will deliver. Most small business marketing fails to address these crucial client needs directly. Instead, they focus on the greatness of their product or service and miss what is important.

Small business marketers are often their own worst enemies. Frequently, they are not communicating on the buyer's level of motivation. They are too busy figuring out how to "sell" the product than finding out the reasons the client "buys".

The problem comes down to the marketing strategy that is employed. Are you pushing your product or are you pulling the client through the marketing process?

There is a very important distinction here. Since buyers only care about their needs and take action for their personal reasons, why should they pay attention to why you think your product is so great?

When you push your products, you are essentially telling the client that they should buy from you because of your reasons. With this egocentric approach you often run into a stone wall of objections and delays. Pushing the product forces them out of their comfort zone and places unnecessary pressure on their decision making process. A relentless assault of closing techniques pushes them away from a purchasing decision on their terms.

Pulling a buyer through the purchasing process is much more effective. When you pull you are leading them to the purchase like leading a horse to water. You gently guide them through your features and benefits and come to a decision on their terms. If they resist you have not educated them enough with information to motivate them or you haven't addressed their objections sufficiently.

The buyer will only make a decision when they are comfortably satisfied your offer has met all of their purchasing criteria. As a seller, you must pull them through the process and always let them stay within the limits of their comfort zone. It's by staying within these boundaries that trust is established and a long term relationship is built with the client.

Also remember that the purchasing process is completely rooted in the perceptions of the buyer. They have ultimate control over the process, not you. Your job as a marketer is to develop all your communications to make them comfortable and lead them to the best outcome...purchasing your product or service.

Always be aware of which method you are using - push or pull - and adopt it to the buyer's personal reasons for purchasing and you will enjoy continuous success.

Author: Heidi Chartier

About Author:

Heidi Chartier has a great website that lists legitimate Home Business Opportunities. This years 2005 top pick can be found at http://www.makingmaximumwealth.com/pips.html and visit http://www.makingmaximumwealth.com for more listings.

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Business and project management for contractors

Faster Home Business Profits


Way too many people believe the Internet is a place to get rich quick with no effort or sweat needed.


Way too many people believe the Internet is a place to get rich quick with no effort or sweat needed. You just publish a web site and poof you have a home business. Please do not hold your breath waiting on results from an Internet business started with that thought process. Home business owners turning blue or choking are signs that they did not read this article.

The good news is starting an online home business is worth every second it takes to do it right. Imagine being your own boss for incentive, then use your brain and motivation to make it work. The lack of time will always be a factor in creating your business, given the fact we all have jobs, kids, family or some other distraction. To add more time to your business day use the proven techniques and strategies not shortcuts!

Imagine being able to sit down at your computer and find your home business already built in a box just waiting for you. By using content sites and article sites, you can easily find ready to go ebooks, software, products and even complete web sites, ready to build a business with. They just do not include the marketing any business requires.

Take a tour of sites like Infogoround, Surefire Wealth, and SiteSell. You will find ideas and solutions for any home business. None will be successful overnight. Success takes considerable effort and motivation and it all starts with you and a great idea.

And do not overlook your greatest asset which is the skill and knowledge you already have. Business online takes passion and chances are passion on the job got you many years of experience that you can easily share for profit. The book "Make Your Knowledge Sell" can be found on any search engine. Get a copy of it and see just how much money your knowledge can make.

Many topics and themes great for home business and affiliate sales have already been built. Take advantage of that by joining sites that sell content and ideas you can modify to suit your specific purpose. These days you can start a home based business in just minutes to hours, but above all things, have a marketing plan before you start. Then use content sites, article sites, and proven marketing tactics to get the job done.

In all cases however, the lack of an action plan is the fastest way to a home business failure. "Look before you leap" is a well known phrase and the answer for faster home business profits.

Author: Heidi Chartier

About Author:

Visit www.makingmaximumwealth.com for HomeBased Business opportunities. Download the Brand New E-Book "Dotcomology" revealing a PROVEN step by step process for creating and running a successful Online Home Business: www.makingmaximumwealth.com/dotcomology.html

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High cash flow business

How to Explode your Business & Boost Profits Using Online Advertising Ppc in your Business Online Promotion Internet Affiliate Marketing


Most affiliate marketing entrepreneurs are always looking for how to boost profits in their business online promotion internet affiliate marketing. Now, I am going to give you easy ways to boost your affiliate commission in your business online promotion internet affiliate marketing.



Most affiliate marketing entrepreneurs are always looking for how to boost profits in their business online promotion internet affiliate marketing. Now, I am going to give you easy ways to boost your affiliate commission in your business online promotion internet affiliate marketing.

You’ll discover how to explode your business online promotion internet affiliate marketing and how to boost skyrocket your profits in this article.

Online Advertising Pay-Per-Click (Ppc) is one of the four basic types of Search Engines. Online Advertising Ppc is also one of the most cost-effective ways of targeted internet advertising. According to Forbes magazine, online advertising ppc, accounts to 2 billion dollars a year and is expected to increase to around 8 billion dollars by the year 2008.

Let’s me take a quick look at how Online Advertising Ppc Search Engines work.

These engines create listings and rate them based on a bid amount the website owner is willing to pay for each click from that search engine. Advertisers bid against each other to receive higher ranking for a specific keyword or phrase.

The highest bidder for a certain keyword or phrase will then have the site ranked as number 1 in the Online Advertising Ppc Search Engines followed by the second and third highest bidder, up to the last number that have placed a bid on the same keyword or phrase. Your ads then will appear prominently on the results pages based on the dollar amount bid you will agree to pay per click.

Learn more about online advertising ppc at: http://www.iPayByClick.com. You’ll find a dedicated online advertising ppc and great articles to help you to make profits through online advertising ppc in your business online promotion internet affiliate marketing.

How do you make money by using online advertising ppc into your affiliate marketing business?

Most online affiliate marketing programs only pay when a sale is made or a lead delivered after a visitor has click through your web site. Your earnings will not always be the same as they will be dependent on the web site content and the traffic market.

The reason why you should incorporate online advertising ppc into your affiliate marketing program is that earnings are easier to make than in any other kind of online affiliate marketing program not using online advertising ppc. This way, you will be making profit based from the click through that your visitor will make on the advertiser’s site. Unlike some programs, you are not paid per sale or action.

The online advertising ppc can be very resourceful of your website. With Online Advertising Ppc Search Engines incorporated into your online affiliate marketing program, you will be able to profit from the visitor’s who are not interested in your products or services.

You will not only get affiliate commissions not only from those who are just searching the web and finding the products and services that they wanted but you will be able to build your website’s recognition as a valuable resource. The visitors who have found what they needed from you site are likely to come back and review what you are offering more closely. Then they will eventually come back to search the web for other products.

My experiences show that online advertising ppc is pretty suitable for NEW business online promotion internet affiliate marketing. You can establish your brand new web site quickly through online advertising ppc. Even you have your own profitable business online promotion internet affiliate marketing, this online advertising ppc will help you move to the next level – higher profits!

This kind of online affiliate marketing program is also an easy way for you to generate some more additional revenues. For example, when a visitor on your web site does a search in the Online Advertising Ppc Search Engine and clicks on the advertiser bided listings, the advertisers’ account will then be deducted because of that click. With this, you will be compensated 30% to 80% of the advertisers’ bid amount.

The online advertising ppc is not only a source of generating easy profits; it can also help you promote your own website. Most of the online affiliate marketing programs allow the affiliate commissions received to be spent for advertising with them instantly and with no minimum earning requirement. This is one of the more effective ways to exchange your raw visitors for targeted surfers who has more tendencies to purchase your products and services.

What will happen if you when you integrate online advertising ppc into your online affiliate marketing program?

The online advertising ppc usually has ready-to-use online affiliate marketing tools that can be easily integrated into your website. The most common tools are search boxes, banners, text links and some 404-error pages. Most search engines utilize custom solutions and can provide you with a white-label online affiliate marketing program. This enables you, using only a few lines of code, to integrate remotely-hosted co-branded search engine into your website.

What are the key benefits? Not only more money generated but also some extra money on the side. Plus a lifetime affiliate commissions once you have referred some webmaster friends to the engine.

Think about it. Where can you get all these benefits while already generating some income for your site? Knowing some of the more useful tools you can use for your online affiliate marketing program is not a waste of time. They are rather a means of earning within an earning.

Best know more about how you can use online advertising ppc search engines into your online affiliate marketing program than miss out on a great real home based business opportunity to earn more profits.

Finally, I am sure that online advertising ppc is an alternative way to boost your profits in your business online promotion internet affiliate marketing. Integrating online advertising ppc to your own online affiliate marketing program will increase your traffic, sales and profits dramatically.

Learn Affiliate Marketing And Online Advertising Ppc to boost your profits and grow your business online promotion internet affiliate marketing quickly. You’ll discover great techniques, top inside secrets of how to use online advertising ppc to make quick money at home, great support from highly successful internet millionaire and steps-by-steps to build highly profitable ppc campaign in your business. Also, you’ll save your valuable time & a lot of money!

Get FREE report now to discover top inside secrets of how to make big money online at home and how to build highly profitable home based affiliate business.

Author: zmilliondollars

About Author:

Siripong R. or zMillionDollars is a recognized authority on the subject of making money online from home through highly profitable & successful home based business. His websites, www.zMakeMoney.com and www.zMillionDollars.com, provide a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you'll ever need to know about earning money online.

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University chicago business school

Online or Offline Marketing?


The internet has revolutionized the world just like how the industrial age changed the way people work and co-exist. The world has become a much smaller place where anyone from anywhere around the world that has access to the internet can communicate with each other, anytime.


start making money online
online money making oppurtunity
profit monster

The internet has revolutionized the world just like how the industrial age changed the way people work and co-exist. The world has become a much smaller place where anyone from anywhere around the world that has access to the internet can communicate with each other, anytime.

So how does this affect the way we make money? The difference is like riding a bicycle to work and taking a cab there. Business can now have a global audience compared to how far word of mouth can take you. So let's compare the differences.

Creating a network Offline Like I mentioned earlier, offline business is how far word of mouth can take you. That can mean through your personal network or through advertising (TV, radio, mass media). But let's assume you're a person who doesn't want to invest so much in advertising through the mass media (it's quite costly anyway) and want to create your own personal network. And let's also assume that you want to create a huge business to bring in more money.

Through my networking experience, let me tell you how it's going to be. You will have your own list (how many depends on how many contacts you still have on you) and the chances that someone is going to even take a second look at what you're doing would be one out of every 5. I did say just take a second look. If you're serious in what you're doing, probably a handful of people would be as excited as you are doing what you're doing out of every hundred people.

Let's face it. The network marketing boom has come and gone a long time ago. People have heard of network marketing opportunities, both the good and the bad. But since the industry has been out there for so long, more of the bad has been heard. "It's a pyramid" "they'll just keep taking money from you" "it won't work" "I don't know many people" "I don't have time" "I'm not interested". Do any of them sound vaguely familiar? People out there are fearful of new opportunities especially ones they've heard many things about.

Now let's talk about the calls you have to make and how often you have to make them. Basically, you need to pick up that phone and talk to EVERY SINGLE person on your list in order to get a few people into your organization. Hey don't expect your family to be joining you in an instant. Fellow network marketers should understand what I'm saying, yes? Calls you make means extra numbers behind the dollar sign on your phone bill, especially if you are going to use your mobile phone.

So what happens when your list runs out? You will either have to get more referrals or you get out there and find more potential network marketers! That means you have to literally talk to strangers whether you like it or not. You can't tell me that everyone out there would talk to complete strangers anytime and anywhere. I have met several people who absolutely WILL NOT talk to any strangers or make any cold calls. (At this point, I'd like to recommend a book written by Florence Litthauer entitled "Personality Plus") So I guess network marketing is not for everyone.

Online To create a network online, it would need four VERY IMPORTANT things. A computer, an internet connection, an email account and you. As compared to offline network marketing, internet marketing needs a fraction of your time for commitment with minimal effort. Introducing people to your online business does not mean you have to be physically there all the time. Think about it. If you're in Singapore and you have a prospect in the US, you would have to forgo your sleep in order to talk to this person. But with the internet by your side, the world can connect anytime, from anywhere.

Now lets talk about the effort you have to put in. But first let me ask you this question. Do you chat with your friends on messenger? Do you check your mail? Do you surf the net from time to time? If the answer is yes then that is how much effort you need to put in! Just as much as you're doing now or maybe just a bit more. (It IS a business you're doing by the way) The word is LEVERAGE. With the same amount of effort you put in doing your offline business, you can potentially get a hundred or even a thousand times the number of prospects you can get!

HOWEVER, the numbers game still applies. In an online business, for every 100 clicks that you get to your page, ONE will opt in. And out of 100 opt-ins, ONE will join the business that you're doing and out of the 100 people who join, 24 will do it as seriously as you (that is if you're doing it seriously). Don't expect a huge sum of money to be falling on your lap with whatever business because if that happens, it probably is not a legitimate business.

But don't forget that with an online business, you are leveraging your time and effort with almost the same amount of results. I was running a traditional offline business for about 8 months and the most I received was a couple of a hundred dollars. With an online business, I received five times the amount of money within a month! And it was all legitimate. I was always looking for ways to earn fast money and I guess I found the best that the internet can offer!

Author: armando williams

About Author:

Armando Williams is the biggest example of a lazy, filthy rich, loving man and he is offering you of succes here: http://www.monsterofprofit.tk

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Trendy business casual

Make Money not Tears


So, you've determined that you really want to have a home business, you've found what looks like a great opportunity, you join, you talk to your friends and family...and they say something like, "C'mon, that stuff never works." They may even laugh and tell you to "get a real job." You get a sunken feeling in your stomach, your face gets flushed, and you really feel like crying.


So, you've determined that you really want to have a home business, you've found what looks like a great opportunity, you join, you talk to your friends and family...and they say something like, "C'mon, that stuff never works." They may even laugh and tell you to "get a real job." You get a sunken feeling in your stomach, your face gets flushed, and you really feel like crying.

If you've been in a business opportunity for any length of time, this is probably the route you started with and you've probably had the unwelcome feeling described above. I know I have. Nothing else can describe the feeling of being hurt like that. Afterall, we were just looking for a better financial status and quality of life. When that happened, the dreams and goals got sunk.

Take a deep breath now, and realize that it's not your fault and it's certainly not the end. What just happened is what I call "proof". It's proof that there are people out there that want more out of life and proof that there are people who just want to be average. There's nothing wrong with being average, but if you are one that has taken the initiative to LOOK for a business opportunity, you're not average. You are proof that there are others out there looking for the same thing. Those are the people you need to be talking to.

When I speak with like-minded people that are interested in getting in this business, I emphasize that we are not in the sales business. If you feel like you're job is to "sell", then you're bound to fail. It's a proven fact! It's about relationships with like-minded people and about mentoring those that join your opportunity. If you teach them to "sell", you're sunk. THEY are sunk. Your organization is sunk. People who see this as an opportunity won't need to be sold. They are there to duplicate what you do.

So, how do go about finding like-minded individuals? If you're reading this, you and I are probably like-minded. I use the internet 99% of the time to build relationships with like-minded people. On the internet, it doesn't matter if you're 18 or 80, black or white, on the East Coast or the West Coast. I have people in my business from around the world. I do not sell my opportunity, I present it and let the person make the decision. If they are not interested, that's fine. Remember, some will, some won't, so what...next! There are a ton of forums, opt-in email lists, and even Google AdWords that you can use to target people. Use these to "meet" people who are most likely interested in what you have to offer. Not everyone will be interested. That's a fact of life. But, with the right opportunity, you really only need 2 people per month and teach those 2 to duplicate...and so on. Do just that for a year, and you'll be making more money in one month than you do in a year working at a regular job.

To summarize, save yourself a ton of heartache and get yourself involved in the right audience. Most importantly, don't "sell", and teach your downline to not sell. Nobody wants to sell and if they feel there is selling involved, they won't join you and you'll just be playing the crying game all over again.

Author: Darren Robinson

About Author:

Darren Robinson has been involved in network marketing for a number of years. Many of those years spent in frustration and failure. Now, success is all that happens in his life and you can visit Darren's blog at http://workathomefreedom.blogspot.com/ for more articles to help you achieve your goals.

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Microsoft office 2000 small business edition

5 Simple Steps to Creating a 6-Figure Income From Home


Nowadays, it is not unusual to find that there are thousands of people (and most of them are young people who are even below 40) who earn as much as 6-figure incomes from home.


Nowadays, it is not unusual to find that there are thousands of people (and most of them are young people who are even below 40) who earn as much as 6-figure incomes from home. This is largely due to the many advantages that a work-from-home business offers, such as: Generating revenue with a considerable decrease in expenses. You save money on travel expenses (gas, toll fees, car maintenance) and other similar costs.

You are your own boss. You work where you want, when you want, or how you want. There is even no dress code!

Flexible hours. Because you work at your own pace, you can both work from home and still manage to be employed in a regular full-time job, or spend more personal time with your family.

In spite of the ‘perks' that one can experience, setting up a work-from-home business could also be an inconvenience. A person could find himself/herself devoting more time and effort in his or her home business than the regular 9 to 5 job that, at worst, would end up making an income that is less than what he or she would earn in a regular full-time employment.

To help people avoid this risky situation, here are 5 simple steps to create a 6-figure income from home:

Step 1. Formulate your game plan. This is one of the most important steps in creating an effective business from home. You should start with finding the right product or service to sell. A lot of people often come up with great ideas for products and/or services (and even develop them) only to find out later that nobody would want to buy them. As the saying goes, "Find a need and fill it". Identify the particular products and/or services that are needed by most people but are not currently provided (or are minimally supplied) by businesses/companies. While it is important that you believe in your products/services, it is also equally important for you to ensure that there is a market for your products/services.

Step 2. Advertise. After deciding on a specific product, the next step is to actually market the product. There are many ways to do this, depending on the budget constraints and one's own, personal choice - you can place your ads in newspapers, flyers, or even on the Internet! The main thing here is to ‘captivate' and hold the interest of the people who could be your potential customers.

Step 3. Follow through. Perhaps the key to a successful home business is the ability to follow through. Having established ‘contact' with your target market through your advertisements, you should expect people to get in touch with you, asking for information related to the products or services that you are offering - give them a call. People who make contact are those that are interested with what you are offering, and talking to them personally will make them realize that there is a real person behind your business whom they can consult whenever they have questions.

Step 4. Be up-to-date. It is highly recommended that one should take advantage of the technologies available that would make for a successful and efficient work-from-home business, such as the use of the Internet. Thanks to the Internet, home-based businesses can now cater to millions of people worldwide, 24 hours a day, using minimal effort (because of the automated system) and the least cost.

Step 5. Have the right attitude. In the final analysis, what is important is having the right attitude towards your business. There will always be crises and difficulties, no matter how foolproof the strategy is. Still, the important thing is to believe in your ability to succeed, to have the passion and the courage, and to never give up.

These are the 5 steps towards a 6-figure income from home. Results, however, may differ. After all, the nature of businesses, as well as human nature, varies. There are always certain degrees of risk involved in every business opportunity, and there is definitely no one road to wealth. But with these simple steps, together with the proper understanding and careful consideration of the risks involved, you will soon find yourself on your way to a successful work-from-home business, and a possible 6-figure income!

Author: Daegan Smith

About Author:

Daegan Smith is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. "Learn How To Make $10,717 In Less Than a Week While Quickly And Easily EXPLODING Your Network Marketing Organization Without EVER Buying a Single Lead?" http://www.internetmlmsuccess.com mailto:netmlmsuccess@aweber.com

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Hispanic business expo chicago

Tips for Making Money Online with Paid Email and Survey Programs


We will share with you the true ways of making money online.


We've spent years searching the internet to find ways to earn money the easy way. What we have found is that with all the resources available (Try Googling ‘Make money online') trying to earn money on the internet can be very frustrating. Of the multitude of sites where money is offered for surveys and emails, some are vague and most are very misleading.

Taking surveys, for instance, can be very profitable. But you have to know which survey programs will actually pay you and which will just spam you with ads. So you have to find a program that is legitimate. You see, many ‘paid survey sites' are just product companies trying to sell you something. But finding a legitimate program will not get you very far either. At an average of around $20 per survey (most surveys only take 10-15 minutes), that's "only" $40 to $80 per month. It's easy money, but that probably won't make a big difference in your lifestyle, right?

Consider the following scenario, which is what I recommend: 1. You register with 20-30 of the best paid survey and paid email websites (this costs you nothing) 2. Within a week you start receiving more paid survey invitations and paid emails than you can handle 3. You pick and choose only the best opportunities that fit your schedule. 4. You start making hundreds, and even thousands, of dollars a month!

But there is a problem with this. You see, you have no way of knowing which the top survey programs are and which are just scams. Trying to figure out which of the millions of email and survey sites are the best is very time-consuming and a waste of your effort.

Some things you should consider when signing up for paid email and survey programs: 1. Amount paid for each survey and email. 2. Email and survey volume. 3. Company privacy policies - I.E. they will not sell your email to other companies.

You see, it is possible to make money on the internet - As much as you want, but how do you know which of the thousands are legitimate? Sure, you could just search and sign up for all of the ones you can find, but that could take a lot of time. Besides, by the time you found the legitimate ones, you'd already have more spam than you'll ever know what to do with. So, save yourself some time, and find some free resources on the internet that offer complete lists of the best programs out there. Many people have gone through the painstaking effort of weeding out what is bogus and what will truly make you money. So, search the internet for these lists and start making money online!

Author: John Owings

About Author:

My name is John Owings. I am a soldier in the US Army. I have found a way to make money online and would like to share it with you! Go to my site at www.quickbuckweb.com to find out now!

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Earn money at home

Should You Pursue a Medical Transcription Career?


The medical transcriptionist's job requires good listening skills due to the complexity of medical terminology.


The Information Technology boom has added a new flavor to every aspect of life. Be it restaurants, educational institutes, the insurance or transportation industries or medical facilities and hospitals. With the growing number of IT trained personnel and the spreading of the IT revolution into routine life, the medical field has come to accept the role of technology in its processing.

By the same token, Medical Transcription, too is a fast growing aspect of the medical career field. The role of a medical transcriptionist is to listen to the voice recordings of qualified doctors and nurses and then transcribe them to a digital format that includes medical reports, graphs or charts.

With the evolution of the Internet, the world has shrunk considerably. Now it's possible for a distance of 1000 miles to exist between a patient and the doctor who is treating him. There are more and more job openings in the field of medical transcription every day.

People are encouraged to join the transcription field though promotions, advertisements, an abundance of books on the matter and because of the lure of a flexible work culture. Although most of the advertisements are a mere hoax to promote and sell books on medical transcription, there are quite a few genuine ones that offer you a legitimate job in the field.

The job field of a medical transcriptionist is normally in actual hospitals (usually dealing with huge number of patients), in a private doctor's office, visiting clinics, or other outpatient medical care facility resorts. There are innumerable jobs in testing labs, medical schools or even private third-party transcription services. A trained person can even work as an independent or in a home-based office offering his services as an affiliated medical transcriptionist.

Since medical transcription is a job based on medical research and facilities, it requires a formal degree in the field of medicine, or dedicated training that imparts knowledge of the medical lingo and other medical processes to the potential transcriptionist. Due to the possibility of working from home this field is much sought after.

While being home-based has its benefits, it has its challenges as well. This includes being able to follow a strict regimen as far as time is concerned and having to manage all the accounts and taxes on your own.

A medical transcriptionist basically has to transcribe what he hears. These notes are then put into forms and sent over directly to the patient or his local consultant. The medical transcriptionist's job requires good listening skills due to the complexity of medical terminology. Some terms may sound the same, but have different meanings depending upon the context in which it is used.

The most crucial are the final results of transcription work which must be 100% accurate, since this work is what is used to document a patient's medical history. In many cases a medical transcriptionist's work is utilized during certain legal proceedings. Since legal matters can hinge entirely on the accuracy of the transcriptions, absolute perfection is required in the transcription reports.

After the outcome of the legal proceedings or any discrepancy, irrespective of outcomes, all transcripts generally become a matter of public record. The reputation of the doctor, patient, employer and the transcriptionist is at stake where every document is concerned.

Author: Tom Sample

About Author:

Professional medical transcription guidelines Medical transcription. http://www.medicaltranscriptiontips.com Learn to read and understand health record information Health records. http://www.healthrecordnet.com

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How to run a restaurant business

How To Negotiate The Paid Survey Maze?


Yes, a paid survey can become a generous income stream for you if you follow some initial guidelines during the early phase.


Earning money for something as simple as taking a paid survey can sound like the "greatest thing since sliced bread" to many people but the simple truth is that if that were the case, then everybody would be making a ton of money.

Yes, a paid survey can become a generous income stream for you if you follow some initial guidelines during the early phase.

Gathering information on various products, services and the likes and dislikes of people in certain age, sex and lifestyle categories is a cost efficient way for companies and manufacturers to ascertain what is likely to sell or not sell in the marketplace.

Enlisting the services of survey sites or third party statistical gatherers to find out what people want or would like to see implemented can save companies a lot in unnecessary expenditure. It's the tried and proven method of finding out what people want and then providing it for them at a price.

Paid Survey Due Diligence

The obvious question from a prospective survey taker is… "Can I make money taking a paid survey?" Of course you can but for most, getting started and finding reliable and legitimate survey companies can prove to be a nightmare. Here are some simple steps in getting started in the paid survey business: - Do a search online for paid survey and you'll be literally inundated with any number of opportunities. - Do not jump in and accept the first opportunity presented to you. You need to do some due diligence. - You need to sort the "wheat from the chaff." Not all companies offering paid surveys will be genuine. - Check to see if the company has contact details. My preference is for a phone contact and if there is one, I will phone right away to see if I get a real person on the other end. If no phone contact is available, then check for an email contact and again, test it to see whether you get a response. My response limit is usually within 24 hours. - Check for testimonials. Even though some testimonials today can be manufactured at least you have a contact with the option of asking the company to verify them. - Be particularly wary of giving your personal information. While the genuine operators will do their best not to disclose your details, unscrupulous operators could use it for unsolicited mail or spam. - Be careful about paying a fee upon registration. This is usually for inclusion into a site's database however, registering with a fee payment is usually frowned upon. Look elsewhere if you need to part with money up front.

It sounds like there is a lot of "legwork" to be performed before taking a survey. Believe me, walking before you can run in this area is good practice.

A paid survey can provide you with some nice secondary income and the more experience you gain in the initial stages by doing your own research will stand you in good stead in the long run.

Author: Dean Caporella

About Author:

Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster. Get the latest tips on how to negotiate the huge paid survey maze plus survey news, views and reviews at:http://www.paidsurveyline.com

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Business accept credit cards

Resourcemfg and Blackfox Training Institute Celebrate Grand Opening of Electronics Training Center on June 5th


ResourceMFG and Blackfox Training Institute Celebrate Grand Opening of Electronics Training Center on June 5th


The common theme from all of the High Tech Manufacturing Companies surveyed in Utah say; "Our biggest challenge is the availability of the skilled workforce." The U.S. is the world's largest producer of electronic products, accounting for around 21% of the world total. It also represents the world's largest market with around 29% of the total and with the outsourcing trend of sending many of our high volume, repetitive, high tech jobs offshore; we are left with the lower volume, but more complex jobs which require much higher skills. Job growth pushed down the unemployment rate to 2.5 percent in Utah, significantly lower than the U.S. unemployment rate of 4.5 percent.

ResourceMFG and Blackfox Training Institute are holding an open house, (open to the public) including potential customers and employees/trainees on Tuesday, June 5th at 4:30pm. The event will be held at 4085 South 2200 West West Valley City, Utah and will include a ribbon-cutting ceremony, including speakers from the Utah Manufacturers Association and other dignitaries. This branch is unique as it is a ResourceMFG branch (specializing in one manufacturing industry, electronics) with a training center (run by Blackfox on the premises.)

Blackfox's core expertise is electronics, although they provide training and certification to the entire supply chain of manufacturers. Blackfox is an IPC Approved Training and Certification Center, one of four in the world authorized to train and certify to all standards. The IPC Standards are the internationally accepted quality standards that govern the acceptability criteria for Electronics Manufacturing.

ResourceMFG recognizes the core competencies of recruiting, screening, hiring, placing and retaining a temporary workforce. ResourceMFG has to be proactive in training the skilled electronics workforce of tomorrow and partnered with Blackfox Training Institute to provide and end to end solution to the Electronic manufacturing sector. This solution provides a qualified, certified, contingent workforce which is more productive for customers; it also creates great opportunities for trained employees. With the growing demand for skilled employees in the electronics industry this strategic partnership provides a seamless solution.

Al Gill, President of Blackfox Training Institute noted, “There is a huge shortage of skilled workers to fill the demand in Electronics Manufacturing. The Staffing Industry, in general, has long struggled with providing Electronics Manufacturing with the right person with the right skills at the right time. The typical staffing company claims to have the ability to staff individuals in any industry and in any job position. The Myth is that they have the ability to screen, assess, and train individuals in all facets of electronic manufacturing before they are placed. The truth is that training and certification are not their core competencies and they need a specialist such as Blackfox to provide that service. Blackfox has provided this service to other staffing firms in the past, but has been challenged to keep them focused on the requirements of Electronic Manufacturers, due to distractions to fill the needs of every other industry. We found them to be generalists in all industries and specialists in none. The technologies in this industry are forever advancing and require the service providers to be abreast of the skill sets required to succeed. This all changed when Blackfox met ResourceMFG, a manufacturing only staffing firm. RMFG is focused and has the support staff that is knowledgeable and understands the needs of electronics manufacturers.”
ResourceMFG (www.resourcemfg.com) is involved with the total spectrum of manufacturing positions including production, quality, maintenance, supervision, and all levels of management. The company serves a wide variety of industry segments that include automotive, electronic, machining, sheet metal, fabrication, and many other specialized producers.
Manufacturing is the sole focus of ResourceMFG allowing a better manufacturing workforce.

Author: Thomas Cutler

About Author:

Resource MFG/ EmployBridge
Melissa Phillips
MSN and AOL IM: MelissaRPhillips

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I got money in the bank

Bacterial Vageneosis in Womens


the vaginitis is the inflammation that mostly occurs in the vagina and also includes numerous of strains germ which causes the bacterial vaginosis the yeast infections and the trichomoniasis. A lot of women mistakenly believe that the yeast infections are to a large amount widespread type of the vaginal infection but the bacterial vaginosis is the main frequently occurring vaginal disease affecting from the 10 percent to the 64 percent of the major female population at every given time.


The Bacterial vaginosis or the vaginitis is the inflammation that mostly occurs in the vagina and also includes numerous of strains germ which causes the bacterial vaginosis the yeast infections and the trichomoniasis. A lot of women mistakenly believe that the yeast infections are to a large amount widespread type of the vaginal infection but the bacterial vaginosis is the main frequently occurring vaginal disease affecting from the 10 percent to the 64 percent of the major female population at every given time.
Although the treatment is obtainable which quickly cure the bacterial vaginosis, condition left untreated the bacterial vaginosis might increase the woman's risk of the pelvic inflammatory illness, cervicitis, endometritis, post-operative infections, pregnancy complications are among the other health conditions.
The Bacterial vaginosis may occur mostly during the reproductive days although the women of all ages and places are susceptible to this infection and diseases that affects the vagina, bladder, urethra and skin in the genital part.
The common symptoms of the bacterial vaginosis are
Researchers had a lot of difficulty in determining the exact what leads to the bacterial vaginosis. Well it seems that the combination of a variety of bacteria might be there together for the illness to develop up. The treatment and the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis are not that simple to identify and eliminate the single sort of bacteria. The Bacteria combine up together to infect, which is unidentified.
The familiar symptoms of the bacterial vaginosis: it mainly source to vaginal discharge and much odor. Usually, no additional symptoms are connected to the bacterial vaginosis. The amount of the vaginal discharge that is considered as usual varies from one patient to the other patients. Therefore, any amount of the vaginal discharge that is irregular for an exact woman should be evaluated. The majority of the women by means of bacterial vaginosis usually have no other symptoms. A number of of them also experience a repulsive worst fishy smell with the vaginal discharge. The Vaginal discharge is normally grayish white in color.
When the woman patient informs about the unusual vaginal discharge, then the doctor will ask the patients a sequence of query to assist differentiate mild from more serious circumstances. Additional issues that may indicate the continuation of the more serious condition includes the pelvic pain, multiple fever or new sexual partners "particularly with the unprotected intercourse", and with the record of various sexually-transmitted infection.

Author: Bishal Boro

About Author:

I have been writing on health and various medicines for various sites till this date, and would like to write more on various environmental and people based topics in future. to know more about bacterial vageneosis and its effects on human click onto http://www.livenaturalhealth.com/

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Cleaning business forms

In Denial About Your Career? Snap Out Of It With This Simple Strategy!


It's tough to finally make a decision to move ahead. So when the time comes to make a move, we prefer to do it as quickly and painlessly as possible. We don't want to be twisting in the winds for weeks, even months at a time.


C'mon. Face it. Your career is the last thing you want to think about right now, isn't it? Even though it deserves some special attention.

I mean, you feel certain uneasiness. You tell yourself you r career could be doing better. Or maybe you're not sure this is the right direction for you. Or you're just plain tired of the same old same old.

Friends will tell you that there's a job out there just waiting for you. But, knowing there's a job out there just waiting for you sounds great. You know, the one that is just right for you and your career.

Maybe you've been fired and you're getting desperate. Maybe you're jammed up in your current job with no moves left. Or you've faithfully followed a lot of traditional job search advice and nothing works.

There are few of us who don't worry about our job. And with good reason. It provides the fuel that fires what's important to us in life. A job is not just "what we do." In many ways it's who we are. Much of our life is defined by how we make a living.

It's tough to finally make a decision to move ahead. So when the time comes to make a move, we prefer to do it as quickly and painlessly as possible. We don't want to be twisting in the winds for weeks, even months at a time. We hope against hope that the right situation will drop in our laps.

That's the desperate way to look for a job.

Making your career move can and should be a dynamic and enthusiastic acknowledgement of your ability to grow . . . to be successful. Most of all it should show us that we can be in control of our destiny rather than a victim of it.

So, here's a simple strategy to help you stop twisting in the wind and steady yourself for a bright future. It's called "doing your homework!" And here it is:

1. Decide what useful information you want to acquire, e.g. corporate literature, Who"s Who for specific decision makers, product or services information, job change tips, resume-writing examples, interviewing techniques, etc. Also take advantage of college alumni, community, headhunter, and newspaper sites.

2. Save, digest or bookmark sites you discover using good search engines. Put them into easily accessible digital files.

3. From all this information select areas of interest starting with geographical preferences. Then move on to products and services that attract your attention or that match with your interests or work history. Finally make a list of companies that fall within your parameters.

4. The last piece of essential research is perhaps the most important of all . . . identifying specific decision-makers by name who could possibly be your next boss. You'll find this information at the corporate websites, Who's Who, local service club info, online newspaper files, alumni sites, etc.

When your career is wavering . . . punt! In other words, go into action mode and do something that's not threatening, but will get you out of denial on the track to an exciting and productive future!


About Author:

Paul Bowley manages EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and innovative e-business strategies . . . since 1985. Check out THE WORLD'S FASTEST JOB SEARCH PLAN! And grab our stunning FREE REPORT! http://www.fastest-job-search.com

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