Views on London Olympics
Views on London Olympics

I jumped for joy – and wrote about my jubilation in Rising East 3 – when London got the Olympic Games for 2012.
Err actually I didn’t. I thought “Great, but what’s in it for me”? As I am a British Citizen and every day pay tax for being taxed (petrol prices are charged levy and then have VAT added on top) and can only really see that over the next 10 - 15 years it will be good old me who foots the bill.
So what’s the real impact going to be for the Olympics? Everyone is talking about mass job creation. What they really mean is mass low level job creation in the short term. Let’s face it, the only jobs being created are going to people selling T-Shirts, serving coffee and of course Liverpool print companies getting busy with counterfeit tickets.
So my fellow British Citizens I am feeling left out of the hype. Below I have prepared some simple calculations
Real Costs:
400k logos = more council tax. Low paid jobs = more immigrants. = More Immigrants = house prices going up. House prices going up = more debt. More debt = broken homes.
So what’s in it for me? I’ll let you answer that.
Written by Aiden McGowan Tooting Hill
I’d like to add to this article. Our job board has been following the trail of the Olympics with interest. Your article does come up with some excellent points regarding tax etc.
Let’s face it. People talk because people talk. If it wasn’t the Olympics it’d be Iraq. If it wasn’t Iraq it’d be Tony Blair.
It’s all rather boring. The world goes round and round. Projects come and projects go. Businesses open and businesses close.
It’s the nature of the beast. Low paid work, high paid work, there needs to be balance. If the Czech girl wasn’t serving your coffee whilst you were checking your blackberry you might not use the Cafe. If you didn’t use the Cafe then the Cafe owner would close down. They would then be in debt and that would possibly lead to a broken home......................................
Author: Hilda
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