Finding Your Target Market
The goal of market research is to find your best customer. Target markets are those individuals or groups most likely to become your customers.
The word demographics refers to statistical information such as age, sex, ethnic background, education, occupation, income, family status, and geographic location.
Population distribution is one of several factors you will use to help you determine the size and location of the market. Studies show trends such as the shift of more affluent city dwellers to suburban communities.
Age distribution dictates trends. The number of people age 65 and over increasing, leading to a growing senior market.
Sex is an obvious basis for consumer market analysis. Many traditional buying patterns are changing. The business example, Ace Sporting Goods, must not assume only men will be interested in fly fishing!
Ethnic origin may indicate product preferences, age distribution, population shifts, and language differences.
Family status has changed in the past decade. Two distinct and new groups have emerged: single people living alone and unmarried people living together. If you're developing a take-out food business, look closely at the family status in your area. Will you be providing family-style meals or individual servings?
Education level, occupation, and income are other demographics to be considered. Education level often points to changes in product preference. People with higher levels of education may have more specialized tastes and higher incomes. Occupation must also be considered as a meaningful criterion for analyzing the market
Author: Douglas Adams
About Author:
Douglas Adams is the owner of Home Based Business News , a website dedicated to increasing knowledge of home based business issues.
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