Saturday, March 1, 2008

Business owners

Timing for Entrepreneurs


With time so valuable, we should be very clear about how we spend it, and whom we spend it with.


After lying awake many nights, worrying about a business deal, thirty minutes with my lawyer removed all my concerns. And something he said has always stayed with me: "You were right to do nothing at the time, Robin."

Kenny Rogers sang,
"You've got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run
You never count your money
When you're sittin' at the table
There'll be time enough for countin'
When the dealin's done"

We all know how important timing is. Or do we? As we mature as entrepreneurs, we get a gut feel for timing. At the same time, we learn that we don't need to do every deal, or deal with everybody. We learn to walk away and we learn to stick it out. And we know that sometimes the results we work so hard for aren't immediately evident. And sometimes, what keeps us disciplined and objective is the company we keep. If desperate people do desperate things, we need to associate with people who are not desperate, strapped for cash or emotionally unstable. Wise counsel comes from people who are relaxed, confident and impartial. Sometimes, we're tempted to try and force things to happen, to twist the arm of the business process, to apply undue pressure. This usually leads to disaster or at least embarrassment. Or we hold back and allow a wonderful opportunity to pas us by. It takes self control and faith to hold 'em, to fold 'em, to walk away and to resist counting 'em too soon. And sometimes it's easy to run when we should be holding on.

So aligning ourselves with a group of strong, patient and experienced entrepreneurs who can keep us on track when the wind howls and the seas are rough, is a smart thing to do. Which is exactly why I started the DollarMakers Joint Venture Forum. Courage is not the absence of fear and every entrepreneur has known the odd sleepless night. That's when it's good to have a seasoned mentor or wise business associate on call. Preferably someone who has a vested interest in your success. Together, we can do amazing things.

There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries" William Shakespeare.

Author: Robin J. Elliott

About Author: For more than 19 years, Robin J. Elliott has worked with thousands of businesses in over 49 industries across the United States, Canada, and Africa. He specializes in helping small business entrepreneurs build wealth and gain access to new markets and profit centers through Joint Ventures. Through his Joint venture Seminars across North America he has thought thousands how to create increasing, multiple streams of income without cost or risk and very little time.

Get Robin J. Elliott’s FREE: ”How To Grow Serious Wealth Using Joint Ventures” Mini-Course, and The Prophet of Profit e-Zine along with video blogs, world class articles, free video, and access to top Joint Venture Partners at the Joint Venture

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Top business schools in united states

What Is Your Point?


What is your point? What do you do if you don't know? Why does it matter? It is important for every writer to know their point because the writer is in charge of the reader's experience. If the writer doesn't know the point then the reader surely won't.


What is your point? What do you do if you don't know? Why does it matter?

It is important for every writer to know their point because the writer is in charge of the reader's experience. If the writer doesn't know the point then the reader surely won't. That means at best, a writer without a point will soon be a writer without a reader. At worst, a writer without a point can end up with a confused and perhaps even angry reader.

Making the point of your article or essay clear and apparent is how you capture the interest of your reader and it is how you keep the interest of your reader.

However knowing your point and making it clear and apparent are sometimes easier said than done. So what is a writer to do?

Finding your point is as easy as 1-2-3.

First, identify your topic. Simply make a note of the subject you plan to address. Narrow it down to one word or simple phrase. For example, you plan to write an article about potty training. That makes potty training your phrase.

Second, ask yourself a pertinent question about that topic. For example, how can you make potty training easy? Now turn that question into a statement, such as "You can make potty training easy... " This is your point. But you aren't done yet.

Third, you will need to expand and support your point so you must come up with three supporting points. Remember, not only do you have to make your point, but you also need to make it clear and apparent. That is why support is important. So think of three points you can make to support your point. For example, keeping the pressure low, making it fun, and giving it time. Finally, you join your statement with the three points and use a preposition to join the two together. In this case probably "by" would work best and often "because" is a good choice. Some other prepositions include about, during, through, under, and with.

Now you have a good introductory paragraph:

You can make potty training easy by keeping the pressure low, making it fun, and giving it time.

Not only do you have a point that you will be able to make clear and apparent to the reader, but you also have a road map for your article or essay. Simply expand on your introduction and expand on each supporting point in turn and you will have a clear point, good organization, and solid support.

Taking a few minutes to plan out your point in this manner can be well worth spending the time as it will make your writing easier. It will also make the reading easier as well. And that is the point of this article.

Author: Deanna Mascle

About Author:

Deanna Mascle has more than two decades of experience writing professionally and teaching writing. Find more of her writing tips at

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Business times

What it is Like to be a Home Agent - No Commute, Independence and No Loud Coworkers


Working as a home agent for a company is wonderful, as long as you have the right conditions. Here are some tips on what it is like to work remotely, as an independent office worker.


Carolyn McFann

If you prefer not to commute to work every morning and like to have a quiet atmosphere as you work, then working as a home agent may be for you. There are many types of jobs available at different companies, such as customer service, data entry or sales. For the sake of this article I will discuss inbound sales calls, since this is my area of expertise. I am one of the top salespeople in my very large, well-known company. This type of position isn't for everyone, so I'll explain how many of these positions work.

You are by yourself the whole day, with no coworkers around you. If you do have contact with coworkers, they usually reach you by Instant Message, as does your Supervisor. Being alone all day isn't for everyone. Be true to what kind of person you are when considering this job, are you an introvert (like to be alone) or an extrovert (like the company of others)? If you are gregarious, and like to have the comraderie of people talking nearby as you work, then you may not like being alone so much. As a home agent, most likely there won't be a holiday party to go to, since you and your coworkers are spread all over the place. If you are an independent person then this won't bother you at all. It's refreshing not to have to talk on the phone over a noisy background. I like my privacy and go out after my job is done for the day, that way I don't feel isolated.

Having an environment conducive to work is important. If you want to be taken seriously by your superiors and customers, you must have total quiet in the background as much as possible, as you work. If you have noisy pets or kids, then have an office to work in where you can close yourself away from them for awhile. Have someone watch the kids for you as you work so they won't want to come visit as you talk to customers. This is important because you are being monitored by higher ups by phone and/or computer, and if you have to stop working to deal with other things, then your productivity will be low. This won't keep you employed for long. So, it pays to be disciplined about your work time and keep all noise and distraction to the absolute minimum.

Most of the time, you must have high speed or cable internet. No dial up, as it is too slow for business purposes. Also, a corded, land-line telephone with a hands-free headset is preferred over cordless phones for security reasons. Especially if you are taking peoples' credit card information like I do. You don't want anyone listening in on your conversation who isn't authorized to. Customers are touchy giving out private information so you want to make their experience as risk-free as possible.

It is important to have discipline and a strong work ethic, in order to keep an independent job. Nobody is there to help you so you must be able to rely on yourself for answering customer questions and problems. Sometimes you can Instant Message a supervisor for help, but this is not always the case. If you can work on your own and rely on your own knowledge, home agent jobs are probably a good fit for your lifestyle. Take all training possible for the position you plan to work in. Most companies have their own training programs so take notes, even if you are experienced in the business. There is always something to be gained from on-the-job training.

Be comfortable when working, but not too comfortable. It's hard to stay alert when lying down and relaxing in bed or in a recliner. I know, I tried it. My normally consistent high sales stats plummeted during my few weeks in a massage recliner. I was too comfortable. Darn. Back to an office chair, and my sales went back to normal. To keep your initiative going, pretend you're working in-house and sit at a desk. When you feel professional, you come across as more professional.

There are a variety of jobs available for home agents, so look online. Search for inbound calls or customer service. Anyone who wants you to pay a fee to work for them, forget it and move on. Most companies usally interview you online and on the phone. Make sure when talking to them that you use good diction and voice tone, as they will be analyzing how well you speak. They want a professional representative for their company, so beat out the competition by giving them good phone. When you find the right job, keep that motivation going by remembering the times you were stuck in traffic going to and from your old job. And, how when you're car broke down, you had to miss work. Once you settle into a daily routine as a home agent, chances are it'll be a welcome relief from the cubicle lifestyle. Give it a try and see what you think. Good luck and have fun.

Author: Carolyn McFann

About Author:

Carolyn McFann is a scientific and nature illustrator, who owns Two Purring Cats Design Studio, which can be seen at: Educated at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York, Carolyn is a seasoned, well-traveled artist, writer and photographer. She has lived and worked in Cancun, Mexico, among other interesting professional assignments in other countries. Clients include nature parks, museums, scientists, corporations and private owners. She has been the subject of tv interviews, articles for newspapers and other popular media venues.

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Small business server 2003 ports

Top 3 Money Making E-books


I've spend the last few months reviewing work at home e-books and found 3 that are really good. With anyone of these 3 e-books, you can start making money right away.


I have spent several months reviewing e-books that claim to make you money. Out of the ones I reviewed, only 3 were really true to their word. These 3 are the best and fastest way to make money online.

Below is a list of the 3 e-books I reviewed that will guarantee your success.

My number one pick is Affiliate Cash Vault

This e-book will teach you how to make money through the affiliate programs. You can start earning money in no time. With this package, you don't have to worry about making a web site of your own, creating your own products, have any stock or inventory on hand, take or ship orders, deal with customers or follow ups on leads, have to work any set hours and or fork over huge investments.

My number two pick is The Ultimate Wealth Package

This package has a little bit of something for everyone. This book shows you how to create affiliate sites and make money right away. It teaches you pay per click money making strategies and simple SEO techniques.

You also get in the package 108 bonus items, which include many items you won't find anywhere else. You also get a free web site build by one of his designers that would normally cost $400.

My number three pick is Honest Income Program.

This program is what the title says, it's honest. In this e-book you'll learn how to make money with 3 systems. The systems are easy to understand and you can start making money right away with them.

The first system you can make $500
The second system you can make $200
The third system you can make $1,200

The best way to make money online is to know where to start and I provided you with a place to start. You can only succeed with the three books I reviewed.

For details please go to my site --

Author: Ernest Kent

About Author:

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The Agency Context, Its Business, Quality and Mission Statement


Agency to provide service has been the key features of the globalized economy of the late twentieth century and early twenty-first century. The trends have influenced and reflected the economic reform of operation procedures in an aggressively competitive environment.


Agency to provide service has been the key features of the globalized economy of the late twentieth century and early twenty-first century. The trends have influenced and reflected the economic reform of operation procedures in an aggressively competitive environment. The OCC ranked fourth out of 222 agency subcomponents in the survey of more than 221,000 randomly selected federal employees, by the Partnership for Public Service and American University. Among financial regulators, only the Securities and Exchange Commission - which ranked third out of 30 large agencies - scored similarly.
Since the steady crescendo of expansion after World War II, American mission agencies have been awash in an environment of change. Most mission agencies have experienced one or more rise-and-fall cycles of available candidates, funds, and deployment opportunities. In fact, there are similarities from one agency to another, although the ebb and flow must be explained by the particulars of local agency’s mission. My missionary organization is to be inspired into creative ventures under similar job recruiting services.
Characteristics of given socio-political environment and increasingly turbulent patterns of ethical welfare, the agency helps the community, provides suitable job seeking skills, and grants support for unemployment people, as well as appropriate skills required from corporations. Emphasizing on the organizational vision, organizational leadership and organizational identity, the agency has designed a framework to guide into effective performance and its mission. Clearly, new models of "missionary" are demanded. New understandings of the relationships and roles of outsiders in a more tribalized world are needed. The mission of my agency may be challenged to resist, ignore, or explain away the evident needs for changing recruitment practices, presumptions about styles of evangelization and church planning and deployment standards.
To draw some useful generalizations and on the purposes that most commonly undertaken by the agency, assess the changing characteristics of the socio-cultural contexts of missions and understand how the agency is related to current situations in our work will be important. The global scope and the necessity of a serving posture properly reflected in the managerial decisions about missionary deployment. The agency has taken the business role and communication in the community, representing and advocating for the best interests of the mission in the community, and the agency itself, these following criteria will help assess the agency performance.

Author: Olivia Hunt

About Author:

The article was produced by the writer of Olivia Hunt is a 4-years experienced freelance writer of Essay Papers Writing Service. Contact her to get information about custom essay writing and editing service at our website.

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Business plan for real estate investing

Soaring To New Heights Can Require A Push


If you've been looking over the edge and thinking about ways to reach top-producer heights, you might consider a business coach


The poet Guillaume Apollinaire once wrote:

"Come to the edge He said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge He said. They came. He pushed them, and they flew..."

Yes, edges can induce great fear. As a business coach who specializes in helping REALTORS®;, I've seen many agents look over that cliff with palpable dread. It's understandable. Change - even if it's about improving your career - raises some anxiety-provoking questions: Can I handle it? Do I have what it takes to reach the top-producer level? What if I fail?

Tough questions - especially to tackle alone.

If you've been looking over the edge and thinking about ways to reach top-producer heights, you might consider a business coach.

But before you hire one, read on.

Success or Bust - Know what you want to achieve, specifically. The more specific the better. Maybe you want to sell 50 more homes in 2006. Or, perhaps you're looking to sell the same number but tap the higher-priced-homes market. You bring the destination; the coach helps with the map to get there.

The ABCs of ROI - I know REALTORS have a reputation for being frugal. And of course every REALTOR wants a good return on investment (ROI). There's good news in this department: Good coaches will offer guarantees - so your ROI is a safe bet. Look for clear evidence that the coach has left a consistent path of ROI for his or her clients. Numbers don't lie. (I have a client in Clarksville, Tenn. who spent $11,780 with me in 2003. In 2004 she increased her revenue by $350,000.) It's that simple. Look for the numbers. And verify them with the coach's clients.

The Price Can be Right - Coaches can typically fit any budget - from $100 a month for a couple of phone sessions to several thousand dollars a month for onsite seminars with a team or one-on-one sessions. It all depends on your goals. The length of contracts will vary from coach to coach as well. Most run from six months to one year. And cancellation clauses are common if things don't work out. Just get everything in writing. And if you have a choice in payment terms, choose to pay a flat fee. Some coaches seek a percentage of how much your income increases with that coach. My client in Tennessee saved literally thousands of dollars by paying a flat fee.

Lazy Need Not Apply - Coaches don't do all the work. Remember, it's your destination and your trip to make. The coach assesses, guides, teaches you and helps with that map. A coach will also give structure, inspiration and perhaps most important, challenges. A good coach will challenge you to start to do something, to stop doing something or to change what you are currently doing - or a combination of all three. A coach helps implement the new skills and changes to ensure they really happen. Even though the work is up to you, you will want to make sure you understand how accessible your coach will be. Obviously, if they're good, they'll have other clients. There's enough competition out there that your coach should be available almost anytime. Hold the Cookies, Please - Avoid coaches with cookie-cutter approaches. Good coaches will first learn about your situation to customize a plan to fit your specific personality, situation and goals. Beware of coaches who offer solutions before you've even explained your business. And choose someone who knows real estate. Many coaches lump sales into one big category. You and I both know real estate is an industry unto itself with plenty of nuances.

Shake Hands with Change - Finally, be open to change. This goes back to looking over that edge. It's scary. And so is change. Einstein said insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If you want results you're not getting currently, you'll have to change.

I chose this profession because I truly believe each one of us has the potential to achieve greatness. I've seen potential reached hundreds of times. For some it is easy to see that potential, to grasp it and to reach it. Others need a push.

With that said, I'll leave you with another poet's quote, Orison Swett Marden: "The greatest thing a man can do in this world is to make the most possible out of the stuff that has been given him. This is success, and there is no other."

Best of luck to you.

Author: Bob Corcoran

About Author:

Bob Corcoran is a nationally recognized speaker who is the founder of Corcoran Consulting, an international consulting & coaching company that specializes in performance coaching, and the implementation of sound business systems. 800-957-8353

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What to Do's on Online Money Making


Why do people consider earning money through the Internet?


Why do people consider earning money through the Internet? As the information highway disseminates knowledge on a global scale, it also opens up unexpected opportunities for profit-earning. It has been the longest time since the Internet was utilized as a means of scamming ignorant but innocent people of their hard-earned money through unauthorized access to personally identifiable information. The media has made the world aware that saving credit card information on the Internet is vulnerable to opportunists because the medium itself is not secure.

One cannot deny the stigma associated with doing just about anything through the Internet. However, the golden era of the information age has finally begun to introduce legal ways of making honest money online and educate people about doing business the defensive way.

Beware of sites that ask payments in order to make money online. The possibility that these are scams is most likely. There are in fact serious companies that offer online jobs without asking for fees or require the purchase of something first before one is able to join.

Try to research more about the owner of the site. As a preliminary step, do a Whois and check where the site is hosted.

Try to avoid giving out credit card information for identification. This gives an opportunity for ill-doers to use this information to their personal ends at the expense of the unsuspecting victim.

Avail of electronic payment systems to prevent combining your personal cash with the money you earn online. An alternative would be to open an ATM account to gain easy access to money transfers.

The best advice that could be given to a newbie in the online business is to ensure that their computers are protected. There is a proliferation of firewall, antivirus and pop-up blocker applications to choose from. Make sure that these are updated frequently to be certain that the most recent viruses are recognized by your computer. Spyware and adware removers are very useful since these files can potentially destroy important data stored in the computer.

Having been informed about the ways of going about the online business defensively, one can now properly consider the different forms of money-making ventures available on the Internet.

Make money out of personal opinion. As part of their valuable market research and product development, companies are willing to pay for surveys at a certain fee. Being part of the consumer market, these companies are interested in getting the opinion of a select group who they think will represent their target market.

For surf addicts, there are programs offered by companies that is commonly called "Get paid to surf the Web." Instead of wasting resources on staying online, once can replenish their resources by taking advantage of such programs available on the Internet. One gets paid to send traffic to the site and to view the advertisers' Web sites and products.

Author: William Tan

About Author:

Copyright by William Tan William is a webmaster and internet (wealth) consultant. Visit his site for the best home ideas and opportunities to make money online.

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How To Have The Time To Do What You Want To Do


This is a great business to get into. It allows you to work from home, be your own boss and be master of your time.


Ask anybody if they have enough time and most will say no. Why? Because most people are slaves. Slaves to their jobs. Slaves to their employers. They are not masters of their own time. We are all conditioned to getting as good an education as possible and then looking for the best playing job that we can get and working at it sometimes for the rest of our useful lives. Most of the time our job takes most of our time. Who reaps the benefits? Yes you do get paid, but who are the real winners in this game. The owners of course. They have wisely invested their capital and are reaping the rewards. If they have done well they are not even working any more. They have the time because you are doing the work. And that's' just how it is or is it?

Suppose you could be the business owner? That's a pretty far fetched idea you say because you must have capital or be able to borrow and you don't have the means to do either. Well my friend that scenario was how it used to be, not any more. The world is a different place today. You can be your own boss. You can have time to do what you want to do when you want to do it. How?

Yes, how? That's the million dollar question isn't it. Suppose I told you that you could be your own boss and probably make a ton load of money and all you needed to invest was your time and effort. No money, just time and effort.

Well this is what I have found out. There is this site that will teach you, for free, how to set up your own business on the internet. How to construct the web pages. How to market your site and a vast amount of information on how to go about the business. I personally think it is one of the best sites that I have come across on the web. If you apply yourself and make a success of it you will have the time to do what you want, when you want.

Author: Robert Williams

About Author:

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How do i find the owner of a business

Five Types Of Lingerie Comfortable Enough To Sleep In


Lingerie is used to bring excitement into the bedroom. Millions of women wear it, but even more wish to wear it. Wishing to wear lingerie and actually wearing it are two different things.


Lingerie is used to bring excitement into the bedroom. Millions of women wear it, but even more wish to wear it. Wishing to wear lingerie and actually wearing it are two different things. One of the most common reasons why women choose not to wear lingerie is because it is uncomfortable. What many women do not know is that it is possible to have it both ways.

In the past lingerie was associated with unique outfits. Many of these outfits were hard to move in, let alone sleep in them. For years now, women have been asking for lingerie that is comfortable enough to sleep in. It seems as if lingerie designers have taken notice because now more comfortable lingerie pieces are making their way to store shelves. Below is a summary of five types of lingerie that are as comfortable as lingerie can get.


Negligees are a popular type of lingerie. One of the reasons why they are so popular is because they are designed for nighttime wear. Negligees are sexy enough to turn heads, but they can also be one of the most comfortable pieces of lingerie to own and wear.

The negligee has changed overtime. At one point, negligees were a sexy version of a long nightgown. It is still possible to purchase long negligees, but most retailers tend to carry shorter negligees that stop at the knee or higher up. The fabric of a negligee will have an impact on just how comfortable the piece is. No matter what the fabric, a large number of women can fall asleep in their negligee because the loose fitting style is cozy and comfortable.


When a woman thinks of a nightgown the first thing that often comes to mind is a flannel dress. The reality is that nightgowns aren't what they used to be. Nightgowns can be purchased in a wide variety of different styles, including those that are sexy.

The majority of night gowns flow down to the floor or they stop at knee length. That is one of the reasons why nightgowns are so popular, because women have a choice when buying them. As with most other pieces of lingerie, nightgowns are made with a variety of different fabrics. Cotton is perceived as the most comfortable type of fabric, but many women also love sleeping in satin or silk.


A camisole is commonly referred to as a cami. What many women do not realize is that a camisole is actually considered lingerie. A large number of retailers carry camisole tops that are designed for everyday wear, but everyday wear is not the only purpose of a camisole. Camisole lingerie tops can be sold by themselves or they can come with matching bottoms.

Camisole tops are sleeveless shirts that tend to cling to the body. Camisoles are popular because materials that cling to the body are often considered sexy. When being used as lingerie, camisoles are often purchased in silk or satin.


Babydoll lingerie is a short gown. Babydoll gowns come in all different styles and sizes. For the most part, babydoll gowns will cover a woman's upper body and her hip area. They are similar to negligees, but shorter. Due to the use of babydoll lingerie pieces in movies and magazines there are many women who think that babydolls are uncomfortable.

As with all other types of lingerie, the comfort offered will all depend on what style you purchase. Common babydoll fabrics include lace, cotton, satin, and silk. Matching panties are typically included with a new babydoll purchase. If you are interested in purchasing babydoll lingerie you are encouraged to purchase one in a fabric that you find comfortable.


Robes are often considered lingerie accessories. The truth is that robes can be considered lingerie all by themselves. Lingerie robes are different than traditional bathrobes. They are a seductive way to cover and reveal the body.

Robes come in all different lengths. When used as lingerie, there are many women to prefer to have their robe to stop at or around their buttocks. Lingerie robes are comfortable to sleep in because they are usually lightweight and their ties are thin. A wide variety of different materials are used to make robes. The most comfortable types of robes to sleep in are those that are satin, silk, or cotton.

Babydolls, robes, camisoles, nightgowns, and negligees are just a few of the many types of lingerie available for purchase. You do not have to sacrifice sexiness just to be comfortable. The above mentioned types of lingerie are pieces that allow you to be sexy and comfortable all at the same time.

Author: Jessica Valentine

About Author:

Jessica Valentine is a successful writer and publisher interested in women's apparel providing valuable tips and advice on finding sexy lingerie, lingerie fit, and lingerie buying guides for men. Read her most recent report, ”Styles To Make You Look Like a Lingerie Model”.

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Ss ca gov business

Advertising a Network Marketing Business


Once you have become an expert in network marketing, you will probably find yourself in the same position as other on the internet. Getting the word out to people that you are there and ready to help them make a bundle from their website. It will not matter how great a person’s website looks, or how fantastic their product or service, if no one knows their site is there they will receive no business.


Copyright © Jagraj Gill

Once you have become an expert in network marketing, you will probably find yourself in the same position as other on the internet. Getting the word out to people that you are there and ready to help them make a bundle from their website. It will not matter how great a person’s website looks, or how fantastic their product or service, if no one knows their site is there they will receive no business.

One of the ways many have found successful in advertising on the internet is through pay-per-click programs, or affiliate programs, which involve a third party planning your ad on their site and you pay them a pre-determined amount every time a visitor to their site clicks on your ad and visits your site. Payment to the third-party advertiser can be made based on the visit, or a percentage or fixed dollar amount of an actual sale.

This benefits you as it puts your advertisement in front of more people. Joining an affiliate promotions company could have your ad posted on several hundreds of sites, each one promoting their own site, giving you that much more exposure for which you pay only if others visit your site.

On the downside, one of the things search engines look for are outside links to your site and while all of the affiliates you have sign up with you do link to your site, due to embedded codes to track the site’s visitors search engines may ignore those links.

Another method of advertising your network marketing business is to design your site around the information sought after by search engine spiders. There once was a time when having sufficient keywords listed in meta tags would draw their attention but the number of hits to websites with erroneous information led search engine developers to train their spiders to look for only good information. Many times in the past a search would turn up websites with totally unrelated information based on keywords alone.

Today’s spiders also search for titles of web pages that relate to the search terms as well as quality information about the search terms. Your web pages should have quality text that provides information for which the person is looking, and not only on the index page. The meta tags, as well as quality textual information should appear on every page of your site where you want search spiders to look.

Getting your own site noticed by potential customers when they perform an internet search for advertising a network marketing business, will let them know that you know how to get the attention of search engines and may improve your standing among customers as well. By advertising your own business correctly, you will most likely pick up business advertising others’ business.

Author: Jagraj Singh Gill

About Author:

About the Author:


To find the best home based business ideas and

opportunities so you can work at home visit:


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Stock quote

Create the Desired Ambiance With Office Chairs, Desks or Any Other Furniture


Office furniture have a lot of contribution in making the ambiance of any office. Get a happy, lively and professional ambiance in your office with comfortable and ergonomic office chairs, desks etc.


It is very important to have a lively and at the same time professional work environment in office. Did you know that office furniture like chairs and desks have a lot to do with the kind of environment prevailing in the office? Not just office, almost anywhere – be it home, lounge of a hotel, factory – just about anywhere, furniture have a very significant contribution in creating the right ambiance. It is imperative on the employer to get the right office chairs, desks and tables in the office, in order to make the environment more comfortable and inducing productivity.

Office chairs should be stylish and elegant. More and more organisations are going for the latest contemporary designs, that have replaced the dreary and monotonous looking office furniture. However, stylish elegant furniture is good as long as you do not compromise on the comfort of the employees. Since office chairs are where the employees sit through out the day – almost 10 hours every day, therefore they have to be cosy and ergonomic. It is very important to have upright and firm\">office chairs, however care should be maintained that they are not rigid enough to cause muscle pull and other physical harm to the people spending an entire day on them.

Usually, in offices we find that the comfort factor of the chairs increase with the hierarchy. Senior management have office chairs of different designs from that of the junior level executives. Usually there is a difference in the height of the backrest and also there are some added features.

Office Chairs – any design you want – are easily available with various web stores. You just need to place the order. Whether you want stylish office chairs for junior level staff or furniture and desks for other purposes, you will get them all in leading web stores.

Author: Brooke Theresa

About Author:

Brooke Theresa is an interior decorator who also has a passion to write for her area of interest. Currently she is focusing on office furniture (such as reception desks, office desks, computer desks, office chairs and glass desks) and current clientele includes leading organization in UK.

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Big n business

Types of Affiliate Marketing Programs


Affiliate programs have many different types. The best ones earn a good commission. Some of them will be high end products while others grant you residual income.


Affiliate programs have many different types. The best ones earn a good commission. Some of them will be high end products while others grant you residual income. Here are a few for you to consider.

* Pay-Per-Click: A popular example of this is Google Adsense. You can put the Google ad code on your site and the little ads will appear either on the side, top or bottom of your web page. Different positions will give better commissions. The top of your page will give the best commissions, then the left hand side, right hand side and lastly the bottom. Commissions will also depend on how much the bids are on the keywords.

Two-tier programs are good because you will not only get commission for your sales but those of your sub affiliates too. These affiliates will earn you a passive income. The best way to do this is to gather a large number of them per program.

* Residual income: Programs that will give you residual income of monthly commissions are good as you can build these up into a good monthly income. Find programs that are not just one time sales but recurring monthly subscriptions or products that customers will buy again and again.

As you can see, there are a variety of programs to choose from and your income will start to build as you work more programs. Try to have several pointing at one niche market, then continue with another niche, until you have built up a sizable income. has a good selection of products. Take advantage of their wide range of programs and a reliable system for tracking and getting paid, plus more resources and help on the site. It will help you save your time because they will provide you fresh content every week that you can use as article distribution for your website.

Author: MN Nikk

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Visit or
Email MN at for more info.

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Www better business

Dealing With Hagglers During a Garage Sale


Here you can find how to improve your Yard or Garage Sales Performance. We even can guarantee you to triple up your Yard or Garage Sales performance.


Ever been to the mall and tried to negotiate the price of an item even when it was already discounted 50%? The efforts will be in vain since those who work at the establishment have to follow the barcode or they could be in big trouble.

Luckily, this won't happen at a garage sale. This is because the price on certain products can be negotiated which in the end will prove beneficial for the homeowner and the customer.

Aren’t there times that people are asking too much? Yes this can happen. The best thing would be to assess the situation first instead of getting hysterical. You should remember that the objective of the garage sale is to get rid of the items and still make some money.

When dealing with hagglers, you should always be straightforward. Should the customer want to bring down the price, you should tell the truth about the said item such as its condition, how much it was bought and if there is anything special about it.

There is a saying that goes “loose lips sink ships.” This can also happen so it is best to only reveal certain information to the buyer so that the haggler won't have as much leverage during negotiations.

This will probably make the prospective buyer think twice. The important thing is to be honest since deception can bite the homeowner later on and the garage sale could be a failure.

If the resident isn’t happy with how much is being offered, it is best to politely hold the item for awhile in case someone else who is interested may come along and pay the tagged price. This should be held until the end of the day and if no one wants it, then it can be sold to the buyer who inquired earlier.

The most important tip in dealing with hagglers and is knowing when to say no. Everything is negotiable however if this is too much, there is nothing wrong with turning the customer away and hoping to get someone else that might offer a better deal.

The garage sale is the closest thing to owning a shop. This is because people will go on the day of event to get some nice second hand items and a good bargains.

The organizer should just play it by ear to be able to think straight when the situation presents itself.

Author: Victor Tunggal Irawan

About Author:

Victor is a successful yard or garage sales practicer. He is the CEO of He can help people how to have a profitable yard or garage sales.

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Chicago business schools

2 Ways to Make Money Online


Ways to make money online easy and does not require much money and time. You get some idea from this article.


Lots of people would like to make money online, because their dream is to work at home for a good income. Work at home idea is a great way to be a lot more time with your family.

The first and simplest way is the affiliate marketing. What is affiliate marketing? It is a cooperative effort between merchants and an affiliates. If you are an affiliate you don't need own product. As an affiliate you will compensated for every visitor, subscriber or customer provided through your site or ad. You will get commission for your job. If you are a web site owner, you can promote one or more merchants and their affiliate programs. Affiliate marketing can generate a full-time income for the affiliate. But this is not a quick rich scheme, so you need to work on it. Plus, it is easy and inexpensive way to start, and you can be up and running within a few days. But there is one thing to consider, it is how to get traffic and make your offer different than all others.

Other way is to write a short ( 30 pages) report about a topic. About a topic, in which you are very good. Everybody has some incredible money making information or solution for others. Let me see an example. If you are a cook, you can write about secret recipes. Or If you are a kind of illness sufferer or survivor, you may write about how to survive the symptoms or how to cure them and so on. The possibilities are unlimited.
It will cost to you nothing and you can sale this report for 7$. Why 7$? It's not too expensive for even the most online people. It is the price of a fast food dinner. It is easy and inexpensive way to start also.

But how to sell more hundreds from such a short report? You can find the answer on my site.

To your success.

Author: Nikoletta Bocz

About Author:

Free work at home course and money making tips for you from Nikoletta.

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Start a tutoring business

Importance of Having a Small Business Opportunity Magazine


There are some incredible benefits to subscribing to business magazines.


Everyone wants to get rich quick, and a lot of people feel that having a home business is a great way to do this. You can work for yourself, work hours that are comfortable for you, and you can be the boss for once.

You can truly find the things in life that matter to you, and you can work around these things, or even incorporate these things into your life. There are so many things that you can do for yourself if you are a small business owner, but it is important to know that as a home business owner you are going to have to compete with people all over the world, and with businesses that are much bigger than you are. There are many things to know when you own a small home business, and sometimes it is hard to get them all straight, or even to pick up on them all. That is why it is very important that you find a small business opportunity magazine that you can trust, and make sure that you are always reading it.

There are many things that a small business opportunity magazine can tell you that you might not be able to figure out on your own. It can let you in on secrets that you might otherwise be unaware of, and it can be a great way to make sure that you are serious about the business are you are following the small business news. There are so many things that a small business magazine can tell you.

First of all, a small business opportunity magazine is a great place to look for the actual small business opportunities that you might want to invest in. Usually there will be a lot of information about different small businesses, and how you can make them successful, and these things are going to be prevalent in the idea of a small home business. You can get as much information as you need from the small business opportunity magazine and use this information to decide if the small business is a good investment for you or not.

You can also get tips for your own small home business from a small business magazine. They can give you all kinds of tips, from ways to manage and keep your employees, to how to make a business plan and employee manuals that are actually going to work. A small business opportunity magazine is going to give you much information that you can actually find useful.

It can be a great way to network with other small business owners as well, which can allow you to get even more tips and information that you need when it comes to your small businesses and what you are going to do with them to run them better.

Author: Scott Young

About Author:

Scott Young Is A Plug In Profit Site member As Well As An Authority On Developing Online Affiliate Marketing Internet Businesses. Get more Information On How To Build Your Own Online Affiliate Marketing Business. For Internet Business Ideas To Make Money Online, Visit: Online Affiliate Marketing Business Ideas and Opportunities.

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How To Improve Your Sale Conversions


The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage--at least it seems that way. If you've been thinking you need to know more about it, here's your opportunity.


The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage,at least it seems that way. If you've been thinking you need to know more about it, here's your opportunity.

One effective way to increase conversion rates on sales pages is to scan your signature, save it as a .jpeg or .gif; and then use it to "sign" your sales page. If you do not have a scanner, you can also purchase a natural handwriting program, such as vletter, to do this task for you. Simply seeing a real signature will make visitors more likely to buy.

Always follow up with your customers. If you do not collect customer email addresses and names and contact them on a semi regular basis, you simply will not make as many sales as you potentially could. This is because making a sale generally requires more than one contact with the product. It requires rigorous pre-sales.

Consider testing various different email subject lines to constantly improve your sent-to-opened version rate. This is critically important if you own a list. You will have to determine what does and doesn't work in terms of subject lines, so you can be sure that you get a good portion to read your email when you send out a product offer.

One way in which you can increase conversion rates on your sales page is to change your headline font to red. This will create a sense of urgency. While it may increase your chances of losing customers, it will also increase your chances of inducing customers into making a decision by creating a sense of tension.

Truthfully, the only difference between you and sale conversion experts is time. If you'll invest a little more time in reading, you'll be that much nearer to expert status when it comes to sale conversion.

If you don't feel that you have the talent to create copy for a sales page that will convert visitors well, then don't write the actual sales page yourself. Instead, outsource that job to someone else. If you don't have $1,500 to spend, you can always contact someone over Guru, Elance, or Rentacoder who is a good writer and then refer that person to other good sales pages to use as models.

There are several important parts of increasing sales conversion rates for sales pages. Some of these parts include improving sales copy, adding psychological triggers, adding multiple calls to action, and improving the appearance of the actual sales page. If all of these factors are tuned correctly, your sales page should convert well.

Consider using low pressure sales tactics to increase your sales page conversion rate. In many niches, including self help niches, low pressure sales works far better than the normal Internet marketing routine, which can often turn off prospects. Instead, use blue fonts, realistic claims and avoid hype altogether.

Give away free reports that act as a natural upsell. These reports should go to great lengths describing the details of a powerful plan to do something. At the end of the report, you should then work your way to upselling the reader by providing a link to a product that makes the process easier. This will pre-sell your customers, increasing your conversion rate.

When word gets around about your command of sale conversion facts, others who need to know about sale conversion will start to actively seek you out.

Author: Gaetane Ross

About Author:

Gaetane has thoroughly researched the Internet to locate the best High Income Business Opportunities that will enable you to start making money from your own home.

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Columbia business school events

Are you Prepared for Change?


The annual review and analysis of corporate filings for public companies in full swing. Almost invariably, this scrutiny brings with it an outcry concerning the exorbitant levels of executive compensation and the lack of a direct relationship between what some executives made and the financial performance of their companies.


Paul R. Dorf, Ph.D., APD

The annual review and analysis of corporate filings for public companies in full swing. Almost invariably, this scrutiny brings with it an outcry concerning the exorbitant levels of executive compensation and the lack of a direct relationship between what some executives made and the financial performance of their companies. In addition to articles that highlight some of the more there are typically investigative reports that identify illegal, or at best, highly questionable activities. Given the propensity of the public and investors to recoil at the issue of excessive executive compensation, it’s no wonder that these two groups have put considerable pressure on regulators to control and/or reduce executive in recent years.


With recent regulations and structural changes as the baseline, this raises the question of what the future holds. In trying to answer this question, it is important to understand how compensation levels are set. Assuming that the underlying purpose is to enable an organization to recruit and hire the best talent to meet its business needs, it naturally follows that a company will be very interested in what the competitive market levels are for the position to be filled. This places a great deal of emphasis on the availability of reliable market data that will be used to determine what an individual should be paid.

Recruitment of executive talent is typically not as competitive as it is for salespeople or other professions. On the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, multiple offers are rare, since fewer companies are competing for the same individuals. On the other hand, ideal executive candidates can typically raise the ante on their total compensation levels, since oftentimes the individual being recruited is still employed somewhere else. The company then must try to lure them away with an enticing total compensation package, which often requires buying out an existing package. The “golden handcuffs” that a previous employer put in place to retain executives probably won’t stop them from leaving, but it will have the effect of raising the stakes for the next employer.

If the marketplace is intended t dictate the amount of compensation, the specific design considerations of pay programs covering executives are equally important. The basic principle of executive compensation programs, particularly equity-base plans, is to maximize the after-tax dollar to the individual while minimizing any negative tax and accounting consequences to the organization, such as those set forth by the IRS, FASB and IASB. In addition, Executive compensation plans must adhere to all regulatory requirements, including Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) the SEC and similar governing bodies.

Ceiling or Floor?

Some experts say that the latest requirements, including the proposed SEC regulations on enhanced disclosures, which spell out the use of tally sheets, identification of perquisites down to a lower level, and more transparency - will achieve the long sought-after-effect goal of reining in excessive compensation. Unfortunately, there’s a good chance that recent and proposed requirements will have the opposite effect: namely, to show an increase in the level of reported total compensation, as the combined value of the diverse components of pay come to light and a total dollar value of the executive compensation package is shown.

In a bumber cases, past legistation and IRS changes actually had the effect of raising compensation, setting new “floors” rather than “ceilings” as originally intended. One example of this is the infamous “million dollar rule” of Code Section 162(m), which requires base compensation above $1 million to be performance-based in order for a public company to deduct the expense for tax purposes.

Instead of lowering pay, it actually increased the base salary and expanded the amount of performance-based pay. Section 162(m) was one of the main drivers of the increased issuance of stock options in the 1990s; since stock options are considered performance-based compensation for IRS calculation purposes. In addition, there has been a huge increase in the upside potential of annual incentives. Typically performance-based, they provided the opportunity to raise total compensation without negatively affecting the million-dollar rule.

Assuming that the performance measures are real, and actually drive the business - and in turn help to increase shareholder value - additional performance-based pay is a little like apple pie and motherhood: a concept that few can argue with. When above-average performance is achieved and increased compensation justified, this concept does work. However, it only takes one rotten apple to spoil the barrel and raise the red flags of what is perceived as excessive" compensation.

History Repeating?

Given this, is history destined to repeat itself? Will the new crop of regulations have the effect of lowering pay levels as intended? If the past is any indication, probably not. For awhile, at least, they will make Boards and Compensation Committees more cognizant of their responsibilities to better tie compensation to defensible performance standards and achievements.

But the bottom line is that the market will continue to be a major driver of what an organization needs to pay in order to attract top talent, retain proven individuals and reward them through pay plans tied to the achievement of appropriately selected performance metrics.

Author: Paul R. Dorf, Ph.D., APD

About Author:

Paul R. Dorf is the Managing Director of Compensation Resources, Inc. He is responsible for directing consulting services in all areas of executive compensation, short and long-term incentives, sales compensation, performance management systems, and pay-for-performance salary administration. He has over 40 years of Human Resource and Compensation experience and has held various executive positions with a number of large corporate organizations. He also has over 20 years of direct consulting experience as head of the Executive Compensation Consulting Practices for major accounting and actuarial/benefit consulting firms, including KPMG, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (formerly Touche Ross), and Kwasha Lipton.

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Home based business work at home

Career Jobs


When searching for an ideal career, then job seekers have a mixed experience of gone through many good & bad jobs. Job seekers (both novice & experienced) want to find a career job that they like, and for that hunting they explore every available career advice channels.


Hi Guys

When searching for an ideal career, then job seekers have a mixed experience of gone through many good & bad jobs. Job seekers (both novice & experienced) want to find a career job that they like, and for that hunting they explore every available career advice channels. Job searching to start a new career or going with your career building phase has never been a comfortable thing to do. Some people go through many careers before they finally find the one that is right for them. At the same time, many job searchers who find their career job in the first attempt. The very basic thing to finding your desired career job is to know it's in & out. Surely, if they don't know, then how come job seekers ever find it? Principle aim is to know what new career job you want to choose, and this can be completed by seeking through the newspapers, classifieds and internet. As many jobs that you come across, the better opening chances you have of finding your career jobs.

New job seekers should do these;

* Always be yourself, don't pretend to be others!
* Search for that working place where you can thrive
* Write a powerful CV with all the ingredients about what you can do & etc!
* Rehearse your interview several times for a

Author: Nawaz

About Author:

Nawaz is an author for this article. Article Source:

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Business letter envelope format

Fashion Design Schools: Choosing the BEST Among the Rest


Do you enjoy creating designs? Do you love following or changing patterns to come up with a piece of clothing? If fashion is simply just your passion, then you might just be right for a fashion design school.


Do you know how to sew?

Do you enjoy creating designs?

Do you love following or changing patterns to come up with a piece of clothing?

If fashion is simply just your passion, then you might just be right for a fashion design school.

Here are some reasons why you should attend a fashion design school:

1. You will learn about the most up-to-date styles that many people would consider buying.
2. If you are unsure whether you will be able to make a living out of your interest in fashion,
your level of confidence will greatly increase once you obtained a degree.
3.Studying about and later working on, a field that you love is very rewarding.
4. You will learn about the various principles behind the patterns you have worked on in the
past, as well as the ones you will be working on in the future.
5.You will also be knowledgeable on mixing and matching colors to magnify the shape and cut
of your creations.
6. You will know more about keeping your clothes together - other than just stitching! Talk
about endless possibilities.
7. Fashion design school will expose you to different kinds of people, working with them,
incorporating their ideas with your own, and developing relationships with those who share
the same feeling toward fashion.
8. These relationships will set the foundation for meeting potential employees, employers, or
business partners; all whom you will need when you start your foray into the fashion world.

There are numerous fashion design schools globally. Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, found in London, is considered by some as the most famous of them all. Other world-renowned schools are The Royal College of Arts in London, the London College of Fashion, Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, AIU in Los Angeles, and Parsons The New School for Design in New York City.

Most courses in the schools mentioned above last for about three years.

The next question, however, will be, how do you choose the best school for you?

Here are 10 helpful tips to help you in your decision making:

Tip#1- - Determine what you would like to major in. From there, search for a school that offers
the program that you like.

Tip#2- - Have a list of criteria that you would like to take a look into in your search for the perfect
fashion design school. These criteria may include program offering, major and minor
subjects, costs, location, placement record, and many more.

Tip#3- - You may now construct a list of candidate fashion design schools.

Tip#4- - Gather all necessary resources and information about each of your candidate
school. Find their websites and research.

Tip#5 - - Narrow down your list further by using the criteria you have set in Tip#2.

Tip#6 - -Inspect the schools left on your list. It would be good if you can visit these schools
personally. But if not, try to obtain a video or look for a virtual tour in their websites.

Tip#7 - - File your application to the schools that met your criteria.

Tip#8 - -While waiting to hear from the schools you sent your application to, search for
scholarship grants in the Internet.

Tip#9 - -Make your final decision based on the responses you got from the schools that you
applied to, as well as the scholarship grantors' response. Carefully review your notes,
consider funding, and finally, decide.

Tip#10 - -Get ready to embark on a journey that you have never quite experienced before!

Off you go to the one of the best fashion design schools in the world!

Author: Ronald Piper

About Author:

Ronald Piper is an online researcher who publishes new information on specialized topics. He provides daily, relevant information and updated content on your favorite interests. To view more articles related to this particular subject, please visit his website

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