Starting a Jewelry Business? 10 Things to Start Making Now
If you have been thinking about starting a Home Jewelry Business? Here is a simple an easy 10-points guideline to transform a hobby into a very profitable career. Check if you’re following the author’s 10 Golden Rules of Jewelry Business Starting.

If you have been thinking about starting a Home Jewelry Business? Here is a simple an easy 10-points guideline to transform a hobby into a very profitable career. Check if you’re following the author’s 10 Golden Rules of Jewelry Business Starting.
When I started making jewelry it was just fun. Friend’s inquiries about pendants or earrings really made the dream start to take shape, as it may be happening to many of you. You have started wondering if you could make jewelry for a living. Well, the answer is as simple as YES. Every jewelry artist has started somewhere, and the lucky ones that today show their pieces on jewelry magazine covers started with little or no money and no clues about where the jewelry experience was going to take them.
Making jewelry is therapeutic and profitable, you can make it at home, be your own boss, work at the hours when you feel best and, above all, is a wonderful profession in which you add beauty to people’s lifes through your jewels. Making jewelry is fun!
But why is it that so many jewelry makers, some very talented, fall along the way and never reach their full potential? Mainly, for reasons that do not have to do at all with Jewelry Making, and the most common four are lack of commitment, procrastination, lack of confidence and of course, lack of knowledge about business and marketing techniques.
It is said that it takes 21 days to leave or start a habit. Changing from procrastinator to effective jewelry maker takes less, I think, but many of the things that will start showing its benefits in the (near) future must start being done today!!! Making a big decision like leaving your “proper” job really need a strong commitment to avoid ending up to your nose with debts and wondering “ What did I do wrong?” If you really want to success in this business, here are 10 tips that will help you start avoiding the more common beginner mistakes:
1.This is your trip, not anybody’s: be very careful with the advice you follow and try to stay always within your own limits and desires. Focus on learning the business and stop listening to what people would do if they were you. Read jewelry websites, marketing and sales articles and never stop learning new things.
2.If you don’t have a studio, set up one. Yes, as small business owners we must sacrifice home spaces to our business. Cluttering the dining room or using a small corner will affect directly into your productivity and creativity. You need space, organization, light, and a door you can close whenever you decide your work has finished for today.
3.Organize your time effectively: work as many hours a day as in a “proper” job…well, the truth is that you will find that you will need more than proper job hours to get everything done! As in point 2, we must also sacrifice time.
4.Set up a blog/website. There are many free webs and blogs to choose from. Avoid repetitive descriptions and talk a little about yourself in every post. Take your time to write a good biography and take a good picture of yourself. Read other websites for examples and study the texts – which ones are more appealing to you, and why? Promote yourself in any way you find.
5.Dare to dream – do not underestimate yourself and try every crazy idea that comes to you mind... all of the biggest jewelry artists of the world were somewhere you are now. They made it because they were bold and trusted their own abilities. That business card design or new packaging boiling in your head deserves, at least, a try. What would you lose?
6.Don’t be scared of asking for favours to relative and friends when you’re starting, and always reward them in any way you can. A favour any female member in your family will love to do to you is wearing your gorgeous jewelry on parties and special events, and of course without having to buy it! They will return it to you after showing your jewelry to many people; of course you should provide them with business cards!
7.Learn to make good pics of your work, or you will never sell online. You can make a simple lightbox and digital camera and tripod are necessary. Learn to use the macro and light sensitivity settings of your camera and experiments with backgrounds and displays. Do as above: research and work!
8.Being a jeweler is not only about making jewelry! You can have other incomes coming from the same source. Teach classes or workshops, sell tutorials online, kits, become a gem seller…and if you have html knowledge you could even offer to make websites to jewelers!
9.Don’t wait until everything is perfect to start, because it will never be perfect. If you’re just a beginner, don’t overprice your products. Be honest and humble with your own work, but don’t miss opportunities to show your work in every way you find.
10.Be very patient. There are no fast success stories in jewelry making. You will have to prove you are really commited to your work If you don’t start now, it will never come!
Author: Carolina Gonzalez
About Author:
Born and living in Tenerife (Canary Islands) Full-time jewelry artist and owner and designer of NeoVamp Jewelry, a OOAK fine bijouterie business. Expert in wire-wrapping and former illustrator and tattoo artist. I have also extensive knowledge in symbolism and healing properties of stones and colours. Every piece I make is completely handcrafted and unique, often recycling vintage jewelry.
I work at my studio at home and personally keep my NeoVamp Blog. I decided to write articles as some answers to beginner's questions were too important or useful to keep them for one person only.
Reusing beads and metal findings is essential to my work. Most of my pieces include vintage beads taken from unused or old-fashioned jewelry, from my own customers often. I am very aware of the need to be environmentally responsible and recycling is one of my constant goals.
I've published a free course about Doll Customizing, a personal passion, and was interviewed by Rena KLingenberg in January for the Success Stories section of her site. In November last year I was interviewed by the Canary Islands TV Channel on the live show Canarias Directo.
My future plans include writing more articles and downloadable tutorials, as I'm being asked constantly about my wiring techniques.
Please visit my blog at
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