Friday, February 22, 2008

Purchase egold

Make Extra Money Online 4


Affiliate Project X is the work of a guy called Chris who lives in the UK, and was launched sometime towards the end of last year.


Make Extra Money Online

I bought the Affiliate Project X eBook a couple of months ago and decided to report back with my thoughts on it.

Affiliate Project X is the work of a guy called Chris who lives in the UK, and was launched sometime towards the end of last year.

The book itself is not too long (weighing in at just 50 pages) but is packed with no BS methods of making money with internet marketing as quickly as possible.

Make Extra Money Online

It begins with a chapter that explains all the resources that he uses in the book. e.g. Affiliate programs, Google Adwords, email marketing, Autoresponders, etc. And also gives some good advice on building up you portfolio of affiliate marketing products.

In a nutshell, Chris guides you through 6 distinct and laser targeted methods of generating an online income. He calls these methods:

The Leech - The Art Of The Pre-sell
The Affiliate Diary
The Workhorse Method
Thief In The Night
Copy The Best
The Opportunist
In spite of the “Code Names” he has given to each of his 6 methods, I was reasonably familiar with the fundamentals of each of them. However, the value of Affiliate Project X lies in the twist and lateral thinking that Chris has applied to each of these techniques and shares with us in the book.

Make Extra Money Online

In the final chapter, Chris gives away some great tips on using some advanced tricks to help you make more money.

Another thing that I has impressed me with Affiliate Project X is that I have received updates and an extra chapter since buying the book. It appears that Chris updates it periodically and notifies you of updates and extra bits and pieces.

I have to honestly say that Affiliate Project X is one of the best internet marketing eBooks that I have read. And I truly believe that Affiliate Project X is worth more than it’s price … and I have paid more for less useful information.

Make Extra Money Online

A really cool thing that I have benefited from Affiliate Project X is taking one of the methods and adding my own twist that has seen my revenues jump significantly.

Author: armando williams

About Author:

Armando Williams is the biggest example of a lazy, filthy rich, loving man and he is offering you succes here:

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