Internet Marketing – 3 Elements That Generate Customer Response
Here’s a scenario: You start out, you automated effectively, your autoresponders are working perfectly fine, you have set your goals, you laid out your marketing plan, you have made your site visually appealing and useful to you, you have listed, you sublisted and sharply segmented it via the triple SSS method, and you may have talked to more people now than you have ever talked to in your entire life.

Here’s a scenario:
You start out, you automated effectively, your autoresponders are working perfectly fine, you have set your goals, you laid out your marketing plan, you have made your site visually appealing and useful to you, you have listed, you sublisted and sharply segmented it via the triple SSS method, and you may have talked to more people now than you have ever talked to in your entire life.
But something may be amiss and you find yourself unable to get as much response as possible.
So here’s the question:
What is it that makes customers respond more?
This is a question most newbies to the internet marketing business are privy to asking. If you are really aspiring to do well and be part of the 5% of those who succeed in this business, it might do you a lot of good to reflect on the elements that generate customer response.
The more recent a customer buys from you, the more likely will he buy again from you. This is an intuitive reaction, some sort of reflex of the human psyche when it comes to buying habits. The thing is, it will be so much easier for you to generate response from those who just bought some of your products.
This will definitely call you to be able to update yourself frequently on those who recently bought from you. Harness the opportunity of recency and generate customer response.
The more frequent a buyer is, the more likely is he going to buy again from you. A person who purchased ten times from you is so much more likely to purchase from you as compared to a person who purchased two or three times from you.
The frequency is an important factor in generating response, as it is important when you do your followup. You must be able to make use of this concept. Take good care of those clients who buy from your frequently. Always provide them with your packages, the best of your offers and possibly, rebate or discount offers to keep them buying from you.
Ultimately, the barometer of one’s customer ability to respond is in his or her monetary capability. Can he afford your products? If you find a customer well able to buy your most expensive products, then it is established that money is no problem with them and you are by all means entitled to sell him a lot of things without being disappointed that he would not be able to buy them.
The monetary aspect is very important because you will go so much better if you get to have a huge purchase than have a series of minor ones. Of course, if you can have both kinds of purchases coming in your site, then go ahead and take advantage of that as well.
In the future, you may find yourself able to generate more customer response. But these three are surefire ways to generate more customer response.
It does not matter at what level you are in your business when applying these techniques. Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned internet marketer seeking some ways to generate the best customer responses, these three methods of recency, frequency and monetary are quite ideal.
Author: Joel Christopher
About Author:
Joel Christopher is a best-selling author, speaker and mentor, known worldwide as The MasterListBuilder.
To find out more on how you can triple your leads, sales and profits.
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