Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Starting a small business in oregon

The Alternative America Job Bank . . . Where All The Action Is!


You'll have a hard time landing a fabulous job from the amazing alternative America job bank unless you can answer a couple of critical questions that can make all the difference in the world to your job search.


The alternative America job bank is probably the best it's ever been. This is the place you've probably heard about because it's where all the best and highest-paying jobs are!

There are extraordinary opportunities available all over the country right now! But you'll have a hard time landing one from this amazing resource unless you can answer a couple of critical questions that can make all the difference in the world to your job search.

Here they are:

1. Are you ready to commit yourself to discover the REAL 21st Century job marketplace? Not the one where all you have to do is mass mail your resume to a bunch of companies or agencies and recruiters. Or post it on a few websites like monster.com or hot jobs.com?

2. Are you willing to give up the old-fashioned, passive ways of finding a job . . . e.g. waiting for the phone to ring, or sitting in an interview and meekly answering questions about your past?

If you're ready to answer "yes" then you're going to find that the job market is an exciting place to be these days. And you'll be open to pursuing a job campaign plan that can have to talking face-to-face with your next boss in a matter of days!

You see, everything's changed in America's job bank . . . especially since 9/11 and Katrina. The old-fashioned ways of finding a job are OUT . . . unless you're content with waiting for weeks or months for something to develop. And then winding up with something you have to take out of desperation.

When you say "yes" to those critical questions, here's what you must do to address this exciting alternative resource:

1. Build a highly-desirable product . . . YOU!

2. Consider the job marketplace as a competitive arena.

3. Package yourself in a way to attract maximum attention.

4. Think of prospective employers as buyers of your product.

5. Target only those employers who are right for you.

5. Promote yourself to them by every available means.

6. Master effective selling techniques.

7. Negotiate like a pro.

In short, you have to learn how to become a "job entrepreneur." But the good news is when you've mastered a few simple alternative job search strategies, you can hit the America's remarkable job market running. You can be entertaining real job offers in as little as two weeks! Check it out. Your future depends on it!

Author: Paul Megan

About Author:

Paul Megan writes for EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and non-traditional career advancement strategies . . . since 1985. Grab our stunning FREE REPORT: "How To Find A Job In As Little As 14 Days!" Click on RSS for instant info! http://www.fastest-job-search.com

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