Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Bussines bureau

Ado and in Dot Net


Another difference is that ADO is read only and it does allow data sequentially row by row. But in data can be taken from any row. We can access records by using primary key index we can also filter and sort results.


Past is ADO and now in present is day of ADO.Net so it is true that there may be some advance features that are disadvantages in past. Because it is as usual that new version must have some features that are not in past one.

Now comes on the topic ado and there is difference in architecture and some method of data sharing and also in representation of data in application. ADO uses recordset to present data that retrieved from tables on the This work is done through Dataset. Ado Contains data from single table. And to get data from more then one table is done through the help of join. Join query helps in getting data from more then one table. Where dataset contains data from more then one table means we can put more then one table in dataset. Dataset is just like a basket. One additional feature of dataset is it has ability to contain relationship between tables and also take constraints on a table.

Another difference is that ADO is read only and it does allow data sequentially row by row. But in data can be taken from any row. We can access records by using primary key index we can also filter and sort results. In ADO.Net we connect to database retrieve and update data retrieve records from a database and then copy them into a dataset and after this disconnect from database. ADO is designed for connected security. In ADO.Net we can communicate with database using Data Adapter or a Data reader.

We use COM marshaling in ADO to transfer from recordset from one component to another. But in ADO.Net we transfer ADO.Net Dataset using in XML stream XML have ore advantage over COM marshaling transferring data.

In COM marshaling we can convert only data types that are defined by the com standard. In an XML based data transfer restrictions on data types in not there. In firewall the problem is there in doing in com marshaling and recordset cannot bypass a firewall. Because firewalls allow HTML text to pass and ADO.Net use XML to transfer Dataset.

Author: Adam Sturo

About Author:

Adam Sturo provides you the current info on Dot Net Interview Questions and Xml File Validation

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