MLM Success Thru Persistency and Passion
MLM Success is often attributed to persistency, following through to achieve one's MLM goals. It is just persistency? How is it that some people can be persistent to the end where others fall by the wayside? Persistency - read on

MLM Success is often attributed to persistency, following through to achieve one’s MLM goals. It is just persistency? How is it that some people can be persistent to the end where others fall by the wayside? Persistency without passion has limitations. Build upon your passion and persistency will be no trouble.
If you love what you are doing and it is improving your business then it's not work and you will not feel the need to give up.
For those who are having trouble doing things due to a lack of anything then there are at least two immediate things you can do:
1. Is to measure your results. If you can see your results and see that you are improving then that in itself will help you to continue.
2. Sometimes putting a deadline on activities will help because you can see an end in sight. E.g. If you have issues with talking to people about your business or cold calling on the phone etc then decide to do it for a limited time. "I'm going to talk to one person every weekday for 3 months!"
Doing this you have a daily obtainable goal and a deadline to stop the activity and re-evaluate the results. You may find that you have a passion for what you thought you wouldn't like to do.
Can we be persistent without passion? I don't think we can.
Perhaps passion is just a very big "Why" that fuels persistency as the big "Whys" are normally emotionally based like anger over poverty. Where a person gets to a stage of "poverty" that makes them so angry that they decide that they never ever want to return there.
Author: Michael Brymer
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