Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Virginia business magazine

Wholesale Dropshipping For eBay Sellers!


Make money from home, selling products on ebay without stocking any inventory. Sell 5,000 brand name products and make huge profits, in this low cost home busness.


Copyright © 2006 Ron Keegan

Ebay is the 'BEST' opportunity you can use right now to makemoney online in the dropshipping business from the comfortof your own home.

Thousands of people just like you use eBay auctions on adaily basis to sell and buy products on the Internet; nowit's your time to START your own dropshipping home-basedbusiness and succeed in the eBay auctions 'game'!

There are no special skills required for this dropshippingbusiness, all you need is a computer, Internet access andsome basic computer / Internet knowledge.

Dropshipping is when you sell products on the Web, forwardthe orders to the dropship supplier and, in return, thedropshipper ships the product to your customer (buyer).

You act as the middleman between the dropshipping supplierand your buyer. You can take orders by credit card, fax orany other method you can think of. You can sell via your ownWeb Site or even through e-mail.

Your profit is generated on the difference between yourselling price and the price the dropshipping suppliercharges you.

Thanks to dropshipping you can start making money'instantly' without any investment in inventory,warehousing, shipping, equipment, employees or office space.

How do I find something to sell on eBay?

Of course, finding something to sell isn't hard. Findingsomething at a "Low enough price" to make a profit on eBayis much more difficult. That's because eBay is aprice-driven model and buyers expect a bargain. If theydon't get one, they're not buying.

So, the REAL question is:

How do I find something at a 'low enough price to sellprofitably' on eBay?


  1. WWB has an entire research section in their Floridaoffice that 'personally interviews' each and everywholesaler and dropshipper. Without an interview, no onegets into their directory. No one.

  2. They have 'Very Exacting Criteria' for being listed. Ifthe source doesn't meet those criteria, they aren't listed.For example, they must be 'genuine wholesalers' and theymust be willing to Sell to eBayers in Low minimumquantities.

  • Most wholesalers want to sell to big retailers with hugebudgets, so finding dealers willing to work with the littleguys that's us isn't so easy. And, as you probably know, waytoo many so-called wholesalers are only 'middlemen'.

    That won't happen with the new Light Bulk Directory.

    Having products drop shipped by suppliers, allows you toconcentrate on truly important aspects like advertising,sales and promotion.

    Pay attention! There are lots of companies claiming to be'Drop Shippers'. However, a legitimate drop shipper is afactory-authorized wholesale distributor, or sometimes theactual manufacturer of the product. A legitimate dropshipper should not charge you an 'account setup fee' or askyou to place a 'minimum quantity order'.

    Make sure you find some legitimate drop shippers who havethe product(s) you want to sell, talk with them on the phone/ by e-mail and let them know that you are truly seriousabout doing business with them.

    Customer support counts in the dropshipping business, sodon't hesitate to contact some dropshipping suppliers beforeyou want to work with them.

    This will help you decide if you really want to do businesswith a particular drop shipper or not.

    To succeed in the dropshipping business you'll have to LOOKfor hard-to-find products that people desperately need andwant to purchase.

    The key is to sell products with little or no competition.

    I suggest you RESEARCH for quality products & legitimatedropship suppliers, MONITOR the eBay auction listings to seeif there's any competition and TEST the market (e.g. findout if people really want to spend CASH on the product youwant to sell)

    Remember! Dropshipping makes it EASY for you to start andrun your own home-based businesses on a shoestring budget;and eBay is the 'perfect' MEDIUM to expose your product topotential buyers all over the globe!

    By Ron Keeganhttp://ArticleBizProfits.com

  • Author: Ron Keegan

    About Author:

    Make money from home, selling products on ebay without stocking any inventory. Sell 5,000 brand name productsand make huge profits, in this low cost home busness.

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