Tuesday, April 15, 2008

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Job Hunting For Women Demands Improved Communication Skills!


If you can master these simple communication skills, you can put yourself way ahead of the male competition.


When it comes to job hunting for women, getting ahead in the job marketplace . . . or on the job . . . is a special challenge. It shouldn't have to be that way. But, until the rules change, successful job hunting for women depends on how well you learn to go with the flow.

That means, if you can master some simple communication skills, you can put yourself way ahead of the male competition. But, according to career coach Molly Dickinson Shepard, you have to learn to talk like the male dominated management you're confronted with.

Essentially this means learning how to speak more assertively, she recommends. But without crossing the line into aggressiveness. Here are some rules that can help you make management sit up and pay attention:

1. Your tone and level of voice can make all the difference.

2. Don't challenge your boss or group leader in public. Don't embarrass colleagues and don't make personal attacks.

3. Never show anger at work.

4. Confident speech is good. Cocky is bad.

5. When you're in charge and a decision is yours, don't solicit everyone's opinion.

6. Women like to make everyone feel included. But men see this as passive and unleaderlike.

7. Don't allow yourself to feel wounded by words of criticism at work.

Effective communication is a critical factor in job hunting for women. It's also the hallmark for getting along and getting ahead on the job. Practicing these simple rules can give you a real leg up.

The same is true if you are looking for a new job. Many times you will be meeting face-to-face with a male decision-maker who has male expectations about how women job searchers should communicate. Once again, assertiveness rules.

To be assertive you have to very clear about what you have going for you that will attract the attention of the decision-maker. And then you have to be able to tell him with confidence. It's definitely worth practicing for.

So, the first step is to make an honest assessment of what you've got going for you. You know, all your strengths, capabilities and assets. Now, don't limit yourself only to those skills you've acquired on the job. Your skill base goes way beyond your resume. Remember, an employer is hiring a whole person not a resume.

The second step is to practice your presentation. Once again, employers aren't looking for a rehash of your work history. They want to hear how your talents relate to their and their organization's needs. If you're serious about beating out the competition, then you'll want to practice your approach to a prospective employer.

With an assertive, dynamic communication plan, job hunting for women can be a powerful career advancement success for you!


About Author:

Paul Bowley manages EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and innovative e-business strategies . . . since 1985. Check out THE WORLD'S FASTEST JOB SEARCH PLAN! And grab our stunning FREE REPORT! http://www.fastest-job-search.com

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