Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Www realmoney com

Work at Home the Smart Way


Working at home is a dream for many people. There is a way to do it without getting scammed in the process


Want to start working online to make money, but have no idea where to start? No kidding. Enter "work online", "home business" or anything similar to that into your browser and you will instantly be inundated with one site after another, offering you thousands of dollars a week, or even a day, if you just buy their "system". They have fantastic sales copy to lure you in, and you start to think, "Wow, this sounds really easy!", you send them your money, and what are you left with? A "system" that basically instructs you to buy more programs, more stuff, and spend more money just to get started. Even if they give you access to a website, you more than likely have to host it yourself (know anything about web hosting? Me neither!), and then you have to find out how to bring traffic to your site. Oh, they tell you it's easy, and it can be, if you're willing to pay for a bunch of ads to promote your site the way they suggest. Hold on, weren't you in this to MAKE money? Hmmm.

Now, I will admit, there are some programs that are worth every penny of their purchase price, and more. I've found a couple that I wouldn't trade for the world. The difference is, they don't try to sell their system with a bunch of empty promises, and they don't force you to sell their product over and over again. The one I actually purchased, and definitely recommend, is one that teaches you every step of the way, and gives you fantastic tools to succeed. There are also great affiliate programs everywhere that offer great compensation programs once you sign up and promote their products. And those are free to join!

So it's not impossible to find a way to make a comfortable living, or at least an extra few bucks to supplement your income, working online. I think if I can do it, anyone can, but it's certainly not for everyone. Remember, working online is still working, and if those programs tell you otherwise, they are lying. And with that, working at home, there's no boss to tell you to get your work done, so the money that you make depends completely on you. Who knew bosses served a purpose! But if you are motivated and dedicated, go for it.

There are wonderful opportunities out there, just be careful who you partner with and what you purchase to do it. Make sure there is an ironclad money back guarantee for any system you purchase, just in case it doesn't work for you. I hate to think of the money I've lost from people who said they would give me my money back and I never saw a dime of it back. Be cautious at first, then be fearless. Go for it.

Author: Ingrid Tiessen

About Author:

Ingrid Tiessen writes about various lifestyle issues. See how she learned to make a living online by visiting her site, http://ingrid.netsalaries.com .

Random related phrase:

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