I Don't Need a New Resume? Get Real!
It's a common mistake. We've been brainwashed to think that the very first thing we have to do when we're looking for a job is to get our new resume up to speed.
"Look, I depend on my resume to find me a job. So, I need a new resume if I'm starting a job search, right?" Wrong!
It's a common mistake. We've been brainwashed to think that the very first thing we have to do when we're looking for a job is to get our new resume up to speed. And then, when we've beefed it up to our satisfaction, we want to distribute it as widely as possible.
Get it on some job websites like Monster and HotJobs. Direct mail it to some organizations, the more the better. Of course, we respond to advertised job openings. And make sure we get our new resume to some agencies and recruiters. Then wait for the magic to happen.
Only it doesn't! The phone doesn't ring,. OK, you get a couple TNT letters (thanks-but-no-thanks). But after two or three weeks you're getting nervous. So you repeat the process. Or you rewrite your resume, tweak it, fine tune it, wonder what you said in it that's turning employers off.
All because you've been misled into thinking that your new resume is what's going to get you a job.
Here are the straight facts why your new resume will NOT get you a job:
1. Your next boss is not the one who will be reading your resume. It will be reviewed by a personnel clerk or low level assistant.
2. You're in competition with hundreds, maybe thousands, who have the same idea about getting a job as you do. The odds of your getting selected from this crowd are astronomical!
3. Employers want to know what you can do for them. Your resume tells them what you used to do for someone else.
4. Your carefully-crafted new resume will be scanned by the initial reader in less than 50 seconds. The vast majority of mass-mailed resumes wind up in the waste basket.
5. If by some chance you do get an interview, it will be with a lower level functionary who's screening you without understanding what are the current needs or hot buttons of the hiring decision-maker.
It's pretty discouraging, isn't it? The bad news is that, since we don't any better, we're condemned to repeat the same process over and over. In the meantime we're soaking up weeks and months of valuable time with little to show for it.
Often, at this point, if something does turn up, we snap it up under the impression that it's all there is out there. I better grab it before someone else does. So, we wind up settling for our next job rather than being in a position to select it.
The good news is that it doesn't have to be that way. If you're willing to look at a simple, step-by-step alternative job search strategy you can dramatically move the odds in your favor! I'm talking about a plan that can have you in front of hiring decision-maker in a matter of days. And have you entertaining one or more job offers in as little as two weeks! Check it out!
Author: Paul Megan
About Author:
Paul Megan writes for EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and non-traditional career advancement strategies . . . since 1985. Grab our stunning FREE REPORT: "How To Find A Job In As Little As 14 Days!" Click on RSS for instant info! http://www.fastest-job-search.comRandom related phrase:
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