Are You Sure You Are Ready To Start Your Business?
Next to owning a home, owning your own business is probably the most universal dream. No one enjoys punching a clock and working hard to make someone else rich.
Next to owning a home, owning your own business is probably the most universal dream. No one enjoys punching a clock and working hard to make someone else rich. Additionally, rules and regulations and multi-layered bureaucracy often make us feel that we could do things better. Starting your own business seems like a luxurious lifestyle.
When you do start your own business, you will find out very quickly that being your own boss is not as easy as you may have anticipated. There is no one else to pass on problems to and there is no one watching over your shoulder to monitor your productivity.
If something goes wrong it's your responsibility to fix it, recover from it, and move on. Owning your own business will drop you squarely into the middle of the most responsibility that you have ever had in a professional setting.
Financial stability is impossible to achieve in the early days of a new business. Money may come in fits and starts, so it is generally necessary to have another source of income, whether from a savings account, another job, or the income of another household member.
Time will also be at a premium. Most new business owners work extremely long hours. It is necessary to choose a business enterprise in which you are whole-heartedly invested, as it will take over your life.
Vacation time and even weekly days off will be difficult to achieve, as you work to stabilize your company and improve the bottom line. The time factor makes it difficult to work another job while getting a company going, so if you are able to garner income from another source, it is advisable.
Liability is a factor, which must be considered. Liability insurance is advised in almost all cases. Be sure to speak with an insurance professional, as different types of businesses require different insurances.
It is also important to decide how to structure your company, as a sole proprietorship could result in you personally being sued, while a corporation represents an individual entity whose officers are protected from suit. Take the time to make an informed decision.
Working for yourself has many advantages. You get to call the shots. You have the potential to make an unlimited amount of money. If you have small children or other obligations, working from home gives you the opportunity to spend more time with them. However, it is important to start your business venture with your eyes open.
A new business, no matter what the field, is generally not glamorous. You will work extremely hard, for long hours, and often make little money in return. It may be many months before your business is successful enough for you to draw a regular paycheck from it.
Also remember that a significant percentage of new businesses fail during the first two years. Be sure to consider what you will do if that should happen.
The biggest thing that you need to make sure of is that you do not enter your business venture blindly. Do some networking and get to know some other small business owners who have started from the ground up and been successful.
Ask them lots of questions and store their experiences in the back of your mind so that you can refer to them later if you run into similar issues. Prepare yourself psychologically for the fact that you are going to hit speed bumps and that there may be some rocky places along the way. Build a resolve to press on, no matter how difficult it seems. Refuse to fail.
Author: John Edmond
About Author:
John Edmond worked for many years in insurance and finance and now writes on a number of topics including new new business plannings and email marketing
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