Write your CV like professionals
CV writing is critical as it reflect your image to the employer that you want to work for. The stronger the skill and experience descriptions are in your CV--the higher the number of interviews and salary offers you will receive. In order to be able to write a professional CV you will need to introduce the following techniques.
CV writing is critical as it reflect your image to the employer that you want to work for. The stronger the skill and experience descriptions are in your CV--the higher the number of interviews and salary offers you will receive. In order to be able to write a professional CV you will need to introduce the following techniques.
Technique number 1: Employers do not have the time to read your CV, You Must Do That for Them!
With employers receiving hundreds of CVs you must make sure that your CV hooks an employer's attention within a 5-second glance. A great way to do this is to use job titles and skill headings that relate to and match the jobs you want.
The design of your CV must highlight the most important information about your work experience, skills and education. At first glance this information forms the image that employers have of your skills and abilities.
Using skill headings that market the true nature of your job duties will generate you more interviews and higher salary offers.
Technique number 2: Let your CV Markets your skills.
CV design should get attention but it's really the content of your CV, the descriptions you include of your skills and abilities, that determine how many interviews you generate--as well as the level of salary offers you receive.
Quantify and Use Power Words, using numbers to describe your achievements and responsibilities can greatly expand and elevate your image. Using numbers and quantifying creates vivid images in our mind when we read them, whereas general statements are easy to skip over or forget. Typically the more specific you can be in describing your duties the better.
Most CVs provide a list of duties that each applicant has been responsible for-without explaining the benefit of those skills to employers. The real benefit is that you can produce more work and ultimately save the employer money. A better statement for your CV.
Technique number 3: Get into Employer's Mind.
Always make sure to look closely to the key words that employers provide in help wanted ads and job descriptions are a key element in creating powerful CVs. the employer will have many more needs that you should identify and address in your CV and cover letter.
Technique number 4: Use the right language for the right Salary.
Language used in a CV for an $8 an hour position is much different than the language used for a $16 an hour position.
Technique number 5: Customize your strength
Prioritize your job descriptions, skills by importance, impressiveness and relevance to the job you want. Remember that a strong statement which uses power words and quantifies will affect every statement under it.
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CV writing is critical as it reflect your image to the employer that you want to work for. The stronger the skill and experience descriptions are in your CV--the higher the number of interviews and salary offers you will receive. In order to be able to write a professional CV you will need to introduce the following techniques.
Technique number 1: Employers do not have the time to read your CV, You Must Do That for Them!
With employers receiving hundreds of CVs you must make sure that your CV hooks an employer's attention within a 5-second glance. A great way to do this is to use job titles and skill headings that relate to and match the jobs you want.
The design of your CV must highlight the most important information about your work experience, skills and education. At first glance this information forms the image that employers have of your skills and abilities.
Using skill headings that market the true nature of your job duties will generate you more interviews and higher salary offers.
Technique number 2: Let your CV Markets your skills.
CV design should get attention but it's really the content of your CV, the descriptions you include of your skills and abilities, that determine how many interviews you generate--as well as the level of salary offers you receive.
Quantify and Use Power Words, using numbers to describe your achievements and responsibilities can greatly expand and elevate your image. Using numbers and quantifying creates vivid images in our mind when we read them, whereas general statements are easy to skip over or forget. Typically the more specific you can be in describing your duties the better.
Most CVs provide a list of duties that each applicant has been responsible for-without explaining the benefit of those skills to employers. The real benefit is that you can produce more work and ultimately save the employer money. A better statement for your CV.
Technique number 3: Get into Employer's Mind.
Always make sure to look closely to the key words that employers provide in help wanted ads and job descriptions are a key element in creating powerful CVs. the employer will have many more needs that you should identify and address in your CV and cover letter.
Technique number 4: Use the right language for the right Salary.
Language used in a CV for an $8 an hour position is much different than the language used for a $16 an hour position.
Technique number 5: Customize your strength
Prioritize your job descriptions, skills by importance, impressiveness and relevance to the job you want. Remember that a strong statement which uses power words and quantifies will affect every statement under it.
Jobs Bank where you can find all you need to know about your job. http://www,startyourjob.com
Author: Hani Masgidi
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Jobs Bank where
you can find all you need to know about your job.
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