Friday, March 7, 2008

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Resourcemfg and Blackfox Celebrate Strategic Alliance at June 5th Grand Opening


ResourceMFG and Blackfox Celebrate Strategic Alliance at June 5th Grand Opening


Blackfox's core expertise is electronics, although they provide training and certification to the entire supply chain of manufacturers. Blackfox is an IPC Approved Training and Certification Center, one of four in the world authorized to train and certify to all standards. The IPC Standards are the internationally accepted quality standards that govern the acceptability criteria for Electronics Manufacturing.

ResourceMFG recognizes the core competencies of recruiting, screening, hiring, placing and retaining a temporary workforce. ResourceMFG has to be proactive in training the skilled electronics workforce of tomorrow and partnered with Blackfox Training Institute to provide and end to end solution to the Electronic manufacturing sector. This solution provides a qualified, certified, contingent workforce which is more productive for customers; it also creates great opportunities for trained employees. With the growing demand for skilled employees in the electronics industry this strategic partnership provides a seamless solution.

The common theme from all of the High Tech Manufacturing Companies surveyed in Utah say; "Our biggest challenge is the availability of the skilled workforce." ResourceMFG and Blackfox Training Institute are holding an open house, (open to the public) including potential customers and employees/trainees on Tuesday, June 5th at 4:30pm. The event will be held at 4085 South 2200 West West Valley City, Utah and will include a ribbon-cutting ceremony, including speakers from the Utah Manufacturers Association and other dignitaries. This branch is unique as it is a ResourceMFG branch (specializing in one manufacturing industry, electronics) with a training center (run by Blackfox on the premises.)

The U.S. is the world's largest producer of electronic products, accounting for around 21% of the world total. It also represents the world's largest market with around 29% of the total and with the outsourcing trend of sending many of our high volume, repetitive, high tech jobs offshore; we are left with the lower volume, but more complex jobs which require much higher skills. Job growth pushed down the unemployment rate to 2.5 percent in Utah, significantly lower than the U.S. unemployment rate of 4.5 percent.

Al Dill, President of Blackfox Training Institute noted, “There is a huge shortage of skilled workers to fill the demand in Electronics Manufacturing. The Staffing Industry, in general, has long struggled with providing Electronics Manufacturing with the right person with the right skills at the right time. The typical staffing company claims to have the ability to staff individuals in any industry and in any job position. The Myth is that they have the ability to screen, assess, and train individuals in all facets of electronic manufacturing before they are placed. The truth is that training and certification are not their core competencies and they need a specialist such as Blackfox to provide that service. Blackfox has provided this service to other staffing firms in the past, but has been challenged to keep them focused on the requirements of Electronic Manufacturers, due to distractions to fill the needs of every other industry. We found them to be generalists in all industries and specialists in none. The technologies in this industry are forever advancing and require the service providers to be abreast of the skill sets required to succeed. This all changed when Blackfox met ResourceMFG, a manufacturing only staffing firm. RMFG is focused and has the support staff that is knowledgeable and understands the needs of electronics manufacturers.”

ResourceMFG ( is involved with the total spectrum of manufacturing positions including production, quality, maintenance, supervision, and all levels of management. The company serves a wide variety of industry segments that include automotive, electronic, machining, sheet metal, fabrication, and many other specialized producers.

Manufacturing is the sole focus of ResourceMFG allowing a better manufacturing workforce.

Author: Thomas Cutler

About Author:

Resource MFG/ EmployBridge
Melissa Phillips
MSN and AOL IM: MelissaRPhillips

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