Friday, March 14, 2008

Real money transfer

How to Write and Publish a Book


To publish a book is to become immortal. Why? Because your name and most importantly, your ideas will live on even when you are no longer physically here on earth.


To publish a book is to become immortal. Why? Because your name and most importantly, your ideas will live on even when you are no longer physically here on earth. For as long as there are people who read (for information and for pleasure), accept, or even oppose (for the sake of argumentation and critical analysis) your ideas, your person is alive through that book.

For many—at least for those who have the passion for reading and writing—to be able to publish a book in their lifetime, is an ultimate goal, an ultimate dream. Hence, having been able to publish a book at least once in their lifetime is already an achievement.

There are also many who would want to publish a book for profit. Why not? Whatever kind of book it is that you have in mind, whether it's literary, fiction or non-fiction, informative, self-help, scientific, medical or investigative, for sure it will sell—if not millions, thousands at least. There are all sorts of readers out there and definitely there's a certain group of bookworms that'll love your book.

Publishing a book nowadays is easier than ever. Aside from the traditional means of publishing a book, there's already the Internet, which you can make use of to quickly, conveniently and affordably publish a book—or rather, an e-book.

So, you want to publish a book? To help you start, here are some pointers you can consider and some tips you can follow so you can make that dream of yours a reality in no time at all.

Get all the information you need - First and foremost, you should know how the publishing industry works and that includes e-book publishers. There are what they call as agents who read manuscripts and book proposals. Many publishing houses take advantage of agents' help in deciding whether a book is worth publishing or not. Many publishers also agree to publish a book only when the book has been recommended by these agents.

There are of course lots of other writers out there who aspire to publish a book, just like you; certainly, among all those aspirants, there are the best, good and bad writers (well not literally bad, but they just don't meet high standards of most publishers). You might want to go to an agent first or better yet write him a letter to inquire about certain procedures in publishing a book and other matters rather than going directly to a publishing house and get rejected at once.

Provide a complete and comprehensible proposal - Even when the agent or the publisher has not yet responded to your inquiry, you should already prepare a proposal about that book you want to publish. It should include an overview of your book, a description of your targeted readers, description of published books that may have similar topic or subject as your book, introduction about yourself, and a summary of each chapter of your book or an outline of the story. It would also be helpful to state in your proposal how long your book is.

Author: Dave Poon

About Author:

Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in arts and writing. For more information regarding Publish a Book, please drop by at

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