Monday, March 10, 2008

Business impact analysis

Education Is The Key


Education is important it's vital really. Education is the wave of the future and those who don't have it are going to be left in the dust.


There are children who have never had that joy to sit down and read of Peter Pan's adventures or about Little Bear's birthday party or adventure in the snow or to the moon. This is said to be a generation that does not read, to me that seems impossible because my nose is always in a book or writing one myself.

We need to get creative in the ways we educate our children without them realizing that we are indeed educating them, to them they are having a great time, a time to laugh, cry and escape prince who was held captive. In this article I'm going to find the best magazines for children to receive, think how special that child will feel to receive something in the mail every month just for them.

As an adult I really love National Geographic, I love animals. I recently discovered National Geographic Kids; you get ten issues for under $20.00. Your kids will have so much fun with this magazine they won't have a clue that they are learning while having a blast! In this magazine you will find interesting and exciting stories about animals and the places they live. They have stories of accomplishments of other kids, which will help encourage your kid to want to achieve and accomplishment of their own that combines fun with learning. Also there are really neat games and puzzles that help the juices flow in the brain. Posters and trading cards of the animals will make this experience all the more exciting.

If you have a child that loves comics or History, especially the World War II era than this magazine will be a treat. It's an on-going story; Captain America fights the good fight of today. It's filled with conspiracies, action, terror and much more and all age appropriate. 12 issues for only $23.97, you're paying around $2.00 a magazine.

In recent and past studies it shows that a kid that is interested in music and art will be smart in math and English. That's why this next magazine can play an important role in your child's education plus it's so much fun for the kid and for the parent. Arts & Activities is an education magazine that is filled with lesson plans, projects that are ideal for any grade level and ability and it's full of creativity and inspiration. This is not only a great magazine for a kid but an art teacher also. You will receive 10 issues for under $25.00, that's a 17% discount off of the cover price.

This last magazine is great if you have a child in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade. Ask, challenges kids on issues containing arts and science. They have articles and interviews and projects and puzzles and word plays and fun and educational activities. It not only talks of today's great inventors and artists but of inventors and artists of hundreds of years ago. This magazine is more expensive but well worth the price and at a 44% saving on the cover price think of what you'll be saving by paying $32.97 for 9 issues.

To find these above magazines and many more on education and any other subject you may be interested in visit, for some great discounts and overviews of every magazine available.

Author: Jim Brown

About Author:

James Brown writes about CafeMom promo code, Alpha Omega Publications - AOP online coupons and Family Savings Outlet promo code

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