Monday, March 10, 2008

Easy money making tips

Prologistix Fulfilling Need for Exponential Logistics Staffing


ProLogistix Fulfilling Need for Exponential Logistics Staffing


Starting in 1999, ProLogistix was the first company to focus exclusively on logistics staffing; today the staffing leader is the fastest growing provider in the industry. While most other staffing companies to fill positions ranging from accountants to construction workers and everything in between, ProLogistix focuses on one segment...logistics. This experience provides a clear understanding of specific logistics needs including the skill sets required for the various positions within warehouse, fulfillment, and distribution centers.
In addition to temporary work assignments during peak periods, many ProLogistix clients use the company as an exclusive hiring source for full-time employees.

According to Brian Devine, the Division VP for ProLogistix, “The increase of the plant production has had a terrific impact on the growth of ProLogistix over the past few years. We are seeing increased competition for the skilled workers, and companies are finding they have to stay competitive to attract and retain productive workers. Pay rates are often the first element that hourly employees look at when considering a new job, but other factors play an important role in the “retention” of employees. These include: the work environment, the shift, the way employees are treated by their supervisors and benefits.”

Industrial plants currently under construction in the U.S., has increased by approximately 33 percent, from $60 billion to $88 billion. Correspondingly, the number of plants under construction has increased from 601 to 656 in the past eight months according to a survey of Grassroot U.S. industrial plant construction.

When completed, these plants will add more than 111,000 new hourly and salaried manufacturing jobs. The Mid-Atlantic Region, which includes the states of West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina and the District of Columbia, will add the most new manufacturing jobs, with 28,995 from 70 new industrial plants. The Great Lakes Region has almost twice as many new plants under construction as the Mid-Atlantic Region with 138, but these plants will result in fewer employees - 23,902.
Grassroot plants are defined as plants that are being constructed from the ground up, with no previous site improvements. Plants under construction include projects that have achieved financing, board approval and have broken ground or begun civil/site preparation activities. Once construction is under way, there are various milestones that are achieved along the way including civil/site prep, structural erection, building construction, mechanical/equipment installation, electrical/instrumentation, insulation/coatings and start-up testing, to name a few. Once a plant is commissioned and is operational, it is no longer considered under construction.

The combination of an exclusive focus on logistics, screening tools utilized in the application process, and the experience of branch staff makes ProLogistix the leading provider of logistics talent in the country.

Author: Thomas Cutler

About Author:

Melissa Phillips
MSN and AOL IM: MelissaRPhillips

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